Chapter 19

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AN- I really really love the song for this chapter as I feel as though it represents silrah really well!

(19 years old - two months later, Grad)

Today our lives would change. No one knew it would be this drastic though.

I woke up this morning with a heavy weight on my shoulders, but it felt... different. It wasn't the usual dreadful feeling of having to survive another day here. It was quite the opposite: I was dreading leaving. What would I do now? What was the point of the Alfea education I had just barely managed to survive. Saul and Andreas had the Solarian Army, Ben got offered a Botany position at Malcolm College, Rose was going with him and had a little secret of her own that I won't reveal just yet. Bronte was going to join some Crusade involved in finishing off the Burned Ones, Dawson was going back home to take over from her mum in some big family business, Estella was going to do some travelling for a while and me, I had no idea what was next for me. Just thinking about not knowing was making my anger and magic bubble just below the surface. I was getting a terrible headache so I went digging through one of the drawers in my desk searching for the bottle of Advil I kept hidden in there, being a mind fairy and all. I popped the lid open to discover nothing. 'Crist.' I thought to myself tossing the empty bottle into the bin. The graduation ceremony wasn't until later today, so I threw my hair up into a messy updo and headed to Saul's suite.
Saul answered the door, a bit fatigued. "Hey" I said, giving him a quick kiss before walking past him into the suite.

"God, you practically live here lately" Andreas commented, still half asleep.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Good morning to you too"

I flopped down onto Saul's bed, grabbing one of the many editions of 'Solarian Monthly' that I had stashed in his room, while Saul went through his morning routine and Andreas slowly pulled himself out of bed.

Finally after a while Saul flopped down face first beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"God, how do you read that crap?" He mumbled after reading one of the headlines.

I chuckled softly, "Pure boredom," I replied as I placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"What are you doing here anyways? I thought you'd be getting ready by now since you take forever!"

I let out a small, almost fake gasp "Do not!" I replied, whacking him with the magazine.

"Do to" He leaned in for a kiss and I obliged.

I sighed happily, looking into his blue eyes and running my fingers through his hair.

It was a cute, endearing scene that made the heavy hearts of the students fawn over the sweet couple. The hardships had been overcome and now they were rewarded with soft, loving moments like these.

"Everything alright?" He shifted so he could sit up and properly face me, I could feel the concern growing within him.

"Yep, brilliant." I replied, going back to the magazine.

"Farah" He reached for my wrist and I lowered the magazine back down.

"You know it's so ironic, this is the only place I have and after graduation I'll have nothing. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all this." I whispered in hopes of Andreas not hearing, it was highly unlikely since he had retreated to the washroom to prepare for the day ahead. My headache was still killing me and overall I was feeling like a mess.

"Hey, you'll figure it out. And you'll always have me." He gave a reassuring smile and I knew he meant well but lately I'd just been so furious with the world that I couldn't take it anymore.

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