Chapter 8

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(16 years old - First day back from christmas pause)

I walk through the gates of Alfea hand in hand with Saul. He'd come back to the First World and stayed with me and my parents over the holidays.

"Don't forget training later today" He reminded me and I groaned before resting my head on his shoulder. A few days ago there had been a 'memo' sent out to the student body that fairies would now be training with the specialist and that was when the suite group chat had blown up with conspiracies that Rosalind had murder or done something to Collier - the specialists' headmaster. He had never supported her many attempts to implement this sort of training for the fairies. "Cheer up Fay" he commented, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before we went our separate ways.

I made it to my suite and was not expecting this type of greeting.

Bronte: Omg! Your parents must be worse than Rosalind if they let you back here after what she did to you!

Bronte finished by motioning to my long sleeves that covered the dreadful runic limiters that still had not been removed. I knew this was going to be a shitty day.

"Thing is..." I trailed off not wanting to endure the wrath of my suitemates

Estella: No.. You didn't tell them?!

I shook my head looking down at my feet "Can we just catch up and ignore the fact that I'm still stuck with no magic... please?"

Rose nodded and came to give me a quick comforting hug

Rose: Of course

We all gathered around in the living space and chatted for a few hours before having to run off to classes.

I went to my few classes and took notes and observed but it wasn't like I could use any magic. After classes I headed back to the suite and got changed into more suitable clothes for training. I was a bit nervous and wasn't really sure what to expect but I had an ok idea of what goes on from waiting for Saul to finish up a few times. But that had been training with Collier. This was training with Rosalind. I gathered together a few things in my bag and grabbed a quick snack from the suite kitchenette before heading out the door and to the specialists' training area, not wanting to be late and also wanting to be somewhat early to hopefully gain a few brownie points with Rosalind.

When I made it to the specialists' training area there were already people gathering. I surveyed the crowds trying to catch sight of Saul or one of the girls but I couldn't see anymore. I caught sight of a few people I know from my classes but didn't really feel like talking to any of them. Shortly after I arrived the last few stragglers along with Rosalind finally showed up.

Rosalind: Headmaster Collier has... taken a leave of absence. So from now on this will be a normal occurrence. Magic is allowed and is encouraged. The pairings have been posted on the board. After the rush of students had dissipated from around the board. I slowly made my way up scanning the list of names:

Jason Miller + Dawson Cummings-Jones

Ian Lopez + Miranda Clarke

Jackson Hyde + Rose Wood

Mark Chavez + Ben Harvey

Dominic Lysack + Alice Johnson

Kaylie Dolphin + Bronte Anderson

Saul Silva + Harper Nicole

The list went on and on and on until finally I spotted my name.

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