Chapter 35

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(Present time) September

A sudden blast of magic ran through the room, hitting the icey blue stasis cell and within seconds the force field collapsed. Farah stumbles free and at that second a blast of magic from Rosalind is shot in her direction and hits her in the shoulder sending her flying back and into the wall with an agonizing noise of pain.

The Winx girls were momentarily shocked -everyone was. But just as quickly as everything stilled, it picked back up. Everyone was on high alert and rushing around.

The Winx girls were on a hunt, following Rosalind down the side corridor she had slipped into. While Ben and Saul tried to make it through the crowds of panicked students to get to Farah.

The corridor led them to another room where Rosalind was about to escape out a side door. Bloom acted quickly shooting a small burst of magic at the door handle. With this Rosalind turned to face the girls.

"Go ahead." Rosalind said, holding her hands up in surrender. "Destroy me." She told Bloom, her tone almost as if daring the girl to do it. The anger in Bloom's eyes was pure, and she was about ready to destroy Rosalind when she spoke again. "But I still hold the answers Bloom. I know where to find your birth parents." Bloom's eyes softened as she took in the information and in that moment of shock Rosalind managed to slip away using magic.

Meanwhile, Ben and Saul finally reached Farah. She was hanging on but barely conscious and in immense pain. Saul looked at Ben expectantly as he studied Farah's injuries. Farah groaned in pain as she tried to sit up as best as she could but her attempt failing. She mumbled something neither of them could comprehend and Saul gave her good shoulder a gentle and reassuring squeeze. Ben finally sat back on his heels, obviously having made a decision.

"Well?" Saul asked, wanting to help his fairy as soon as he could.

Ben shook his head. "I think we need to go to Leinva General. Just to be safe."

Saul, although worried, nodded his head in understanding. "Looks like Andreas is going to have to hold the fort for a bit" Saul said, bitterness evident in his voice. "I'll go let him know, you get Farah to the car."
Ben nodded and they went their separate ways.

When they did arrive at the hospital, which was a 40 minute drive from Alfea, Farah had completely lost consciousness. Luckily when they entered, one of the doctors that was checking in with the nurses at the desk was an old pupil of Farah's, and an extremely talented one at that. Things were done with even more efficiency and care then normally, and an Alfea graduate taking care of things helped ease the minds of Ben and Saul waiting in the waiting area.


AN- Bit of a short one but it was more of a connecting chapter. Sorry this took so long I just didn't have the motivation plus I'm not even sure anyone even reads this anyways!

Heads up I will be going back to Farah's POV just cause I find it easier to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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