Chapter 17

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(18 years old - week later)

It was a cold December Sunday morning and the sun had just started to peek through the clouds turning the thin layer of snow into more of a slush. After last week's incident at the stone circle the whispers had started again. I blamed Rosalind and her methods for the whole thing; That wasn't me - or at least that wasn't who I wanted to be. So now here I was not having a clue on what I was doing, out in the freezing cold with Saul trying to figure it out.

I had read about using happy and positive emotions for channeling music while staying in control. I had found the book buried deep in the restricted section of the school library, and we're not gonna talk about what I was doing in there.

I placed my bare hands on the icy cold vessel trying to think of anything good in my life but all I could find was the despair and heartbreak, I tried concentrating in on a memory from my childhood and there was a spark of something within the vessel but just as soon as the spark had appeared the memory had faded. I tightened my grip in frustration and Saul must have realized this because all of a sudden I felt his calming touch on my shoulders, he gave them a tight squeeze and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

"You can do this Farah," He whispered into my ear encouragingly. "Just concentrate, relax and let your mind wander somewhere happy, peaceful" He gave me a gentle kiss on the check and I closed my eyes trying to take in his advice and let my mind wander. I thought about all the possibilities of the future. The places I could go, the holidays I might one day enjoy, the many more memories I would make with Saul by my side, and even sometimes allowed it to explore the possibility of a family.

I opened my eyes and to my surprise a purple, shadow like deer was dancing around in the vessel along the vessel stones. I looked back over my shoulder at Saul who was smiling proudly back at me.

After our early morning success in the Stone Circle we went for a little walk around the gardens. It was a cold morning since it was close to Christmas. Saul had his arm around my shoulder and I was leaning into his chest admiring every little detail of the gardens. It was peaceful and quiet out here. I could concentrate on myself and not have to worry about everyone else or the pressure to succeed. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. I felt at peace for the first time in a while.

AN- So sorry I haven't published in a while this semester is very academically challenging. That being said I have a handful of chapters pre-written so I will try to remember to post those!

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