Chapter 18

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(19 years old - Early Spring)

Today Rosalind has really taken it too far. Find and kill a Burned One. And not what you're thinking, it's not a simulated one but a real one, she hasn't even told us how to defeat one. Luckily Rosalind had given up with trying to partner me with Andreas and finally gave into the idea of Saul as my partner. I leaned against the wooden post at the gear storage waiting for Saul to grab his things while watching the other groups heading out into the forest. Saul grabbed the last of his things and handed me a small dagger in a holster and I shook my head.

"You should have some sort of weapon on you" Saul lectured.

"That's what this is for." I snapped my fingers and a memory of last year's christmas party shimmered and disappeared a minute later.

"Mm. Yeah a memory of a christmas party is really can get that Burned One good." He replied sarcastically and I glared at him. "Well let's get a move on then" He started walking towards the forest and I caught up to him quickly. He held the dagger out in front of me once more and knowing he was right I reluctantly took it without a word.

We were deep in the forest at this point when I heard the low raspy sounds of a Burned One. I scanned the clearing and nearby bushes trying to find it but couldn't. I thought I heard something from a bush to my left so I took a few steps towards it and Saul followed. I couldn't sense anything there so I turned back around towards Saul and that was when I saw it. I had no time to react. "Behind you!" I shouted at him but it was too late the second the first word had hit my tongue the Burned One had launched itself towards Saul leaving deep wounds along his side. He crumbled to his knees in shock which only made me panic. It came at me and I reacted as quickly as I could, deflecting its attack with a burst of magic. It staggered back and met the blade of Saul's sword. It collapsed to the ground but I knew it was only temporary. I felt for its soul, the core of its being trying to grasp at it. I almost had it right when it jumped up again, staggering slightly. I ignored my surroundings hoping Saul would be able to handle it. And then I had it. I shattered its core and it dissolved into a pile of ashes. I ran over to Saul to see how badly he'd been injured. The good thing was that there would be no infection because we'd killed it. I could feel the extreme amount of pain radiating off of him.

We made it back to the greenhouse infirmary and luckily Ben was on shift. The second he saw us he was on high alert.

"Come on get him over to the bed" Ben already had creases along his brow. We got him over to one of the many empty beds in the greenhouse infirmary wing. It was surprising to see this many empty beds, since Rosalind's increase in power tons of very severe injuries happened weekly. "The Burned One that did this?"

"Dead." I replied, still not taking my eyes off Saul's pained expression.

Ben was hurrying around, trying to find all the supplies he would need to clean and treat the wound. There would be no infection but the wound itself was still very severe. I stood, frozen in place, unable to be any use to helping Ben, all I could take in was Saul's pained expression. Ben started to disinfect the cut and Saul yelled in pain. I got startled and took a few stumbly steps back, scared and overwhelmed.

"Farah!" I heard Ben snap at me, yet he was still deeply concentrated on the task at hand. Right away I found my place on a stool on the opposite side of the bed from where Ben was. I stroked the hair back of his forehead, letting my fingers play with a few strands. I took his left hand in both of mine trying to relieve some of his pain. I only took on a fraction of it and it hit me like a semi going 90 mph. I almost fell off my stool. It was so excruciating, but I pushed my pained expression off my face, trying to comfort Saul. Ben was done cleaning the cut very quickly and had moved onto suturing and sealing. It was a deep wound and even I could tell it would take weeks to heal. I sat there stroking Saul's cheek. His pain that I had taken from him pained me, but his pained expression was where my heart really ached. The hours passed by and Ben had finished somewhere along the blurry timeline. I had laid my head down softly on his chest and when I sat back up again it must've been early morning, as the bright light of the sun shone strongly through the big glass windows of the greenhouse.

The students were shocked that ANYONE would send their students out into the forest at night without any instruction and get them to kill the most dangerous creatures known to the otherworld. Yet again, like many things they'd observed during some of these harsh memories, these were Rosalind's way of teaching.


(19 years old - later that week)

It had been a few days and Saul was still in the greenhouse infirmary. He's slowly getting better but still in a great amount of pain. I'd spent most of my free time by his side. But today was Saturday and Rose had insisted I take a break and go into town with her so I don't 'wear myself out'. It was early spring, but the weather was too nice for it to be this early into the new season. It had been risky sneaking out past the barrier and through the woods but luckily no danger had approached. I followed Rose around town into shops, giving my opinion but still not really feeling that into the day out. My mind floating elsewhere. When Rose went into the dressing room to try a few things, I seized the moment to quickly shoot Saul a text. It was unlikely he would reply which was good because that meant he was resting, but I still needed to put my mind at ease. I put my phone away and started people watching through a nearby window. I heard the door open behind me along with Rose's voice, "Thoughts?"

"It's good," I replied not even taking a look back


I turned around and took in the grad dress she had tried on. "Not your colour"

"Thank you," she said before turning back to the dressing room.

After trying a few more she finally found one we both agreed was good. Unlike my roommates I was just going to wing it for my grad outfit, that's if I even decided to go.

As it was about lunch time we had decided on a small cafe that seemed pleasant.

We'd been seated at a table by the window with a nice view of the busy street. I was flipping through the menu when Rose started up the conversation without even glancing up from her menu;

"I thought you'd be happier." I looked up from my menu and Rose set hers down. "You know with graduation fast approaching."

"I'll be happier when I'm actually out of this hell hole" I replied, turning my attention back to the menu in front of me.

"To think you used to be so excited about Alfea, and even consider Rosalind a mentor." Rose chuckled, "Girl, what were you on back then?"

I couldn't help but give a small chuckle as well. The waiter came by and took our orders not shortly after. We ate our meals and chatted for a while more before finishing up Rose's shopping adventures and heading back to Alfea.

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