Sweet Nothings

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One of the many things that Regina has learned from her father is that speed limits are just a suggestion. She vividly remembers her driving lessons with him when she was younger and it was always an interesting time that resulted in Cora yelling at the both of them. Especially that time Regina had crashed her father's BMW into the mail box that was just across the street from their home. It was that day that she learned the difference between reverse and drive. She remembers those sweet memories today as she looks in her rearview mirror to see the flashing red and blue lights of a police car.

"Fuck," she grumbled as she started to pull over her car.

It was actually a mystery why she was being pulled over this time. Maybe it was the dark tint of her car of it was the way she was slightly, and only slightly, speeding on her way. It was ten minutes after five and she had a bottle of wine calling her from the chilly spot in the fridge. She put her car in park and sighed as she grabbed her information to show the police officer.

Before she could turn around there was a knock on her window that startled her. She came face to face with those familiar blue eyes which made her smirk. She rolled down her window and gave him a wide smile.

"Oh, officer Locksley, I hope I'm not in trouble."

"Of course not, my love," he said as he leaned down to give her a quick kiss through the window. "Where are you headed in such a rush? Is there a hot date waiting for you tonight?"

Regina laughed as she looked up at her boyfriend. Sometimes he had the habit of stopping her on the road and he always managed to give her a heart attack. They have been dating for over two years and he still amazed her with his ability to make her smile every time he saw her. He was also very helpful in making sure she didn't have to pay anymore speeding tickets. She could be a danger to society in peace.

"I actually do. His name is Moscato and he's been chilling in my fridge since this morning. Perfect temperature to pair with a nice sappy rom com. I just wish my darling boyfriend could join us," she said as she batted her eyelashes. He was always a victim to this move and she used it to her advantage whenever she could.

"My shift is already over, I was heading home when I saw my favorite speed demon on the loose. I'll come over. Are we watching The Proposal for the thousandth time?" Robin said which made Regina try to hide a smile on her face.

"Of course! I was also thinking about ordering Granny's for takeout."

"When did Granny's start doing takeout?"

"Ruby convinced Granny to buy her a red scooter and she makes deliveries in her little basket. It's adorable and convenient for when I'm drunk and you're too busy to bring me Granny's."

Robin rolled his eyes at that before he laughed at her. The woman always managed to bring a smile to his lips. "Regina, you're the cutest thing. If only I could get you to stop speeding through my town."

"Is Storybrooke's finest going to arrest me?" She asked him seriously with a raised eyebrow. "You know orange jumpsuits are not my style."

"I would never put you in orange, milady. I love you far too much for that," he said as he pecked another kiss on her lips. "Now, go drive slowly and safely home. I have to go home and change before I come and out drink you later."

"You can't out drink the Queen of Wine, peasant," she said with a soft chuckle. "I'll see you soon. Please bring Tuck with you."

Tuck was Robin's German Shepherd that Regina hated when they first started dating. He would  track mud in her house and dig holes in her garden. Her rose bushes have yet to recover from the wrath of little Tuck. Recently, however, she's developed a soft spot for the dog. She likes the way he keeps her body warm as he sits on top of her. Loves petting him and poking his wet little nose. Regina often debated who she was more in love with, Robin or furry little Tuck. Robin won most days, mainly.

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