Quarantine Goods

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His eyes popped opened in the middle of the night and Robin groaned as he looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was 3am and he could hear Lola snoring as she slept on the floor next to him. He groaned and rolled over to put his arms around Regina-

"Regina?" He mumbled once his hand hit the empty bed next to him.

He was starting to smell cinnamon wafting through the house and sighed as he sat up in bed. She's been doing this lately, baking or cooking in the middle of the night. They had the conversation about this and Robin told her that she shouldn't be getting up like this and skipping out on sleep. Of course, they would always argue, make up, and Regina would get her way despite Robin's wishes.

He grunted as he got out of bed and slipped on his green slippers. The red flannel of his pajama pants were bunched up around his ankles as he slowly made his way out the bedroom. Lola had sensed the commotion and was right at his heels as he walked down the stairs and straight into the kitchen.

"Regina, please stop with the midnight cooking. You're making me chubby."

She turned around to face him and smiled at him as she held up her flour covered hands. "Guilty as charged."

"What is it tonight lovely?" Robin walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Apple pie," she said before kissing him. "I found this nice recipe on Pinterest and I wanted to make it for you. You're always eating the turnovers and I wanted to try something new."

His stomach growled at the sound and smell of the apple mixture on the counter. "We talked about this though. We've been quarantined for only two months and have both gained weight."

"I know, but the cooking just keeps me busy. Technically, we don't gain weight if we don't weigh ourselves. The scale only brings negativity and my cooking beings happiness and joy."

"Your cooking brings me a horrible belly. Your own weight gain has been favorable for me though," he said as he squeezed her ass.

She swats his hand, gives him another kiss, and then goes back to the yummy creation she has behind her. Robin walks up behind her and places his hands in her hips and his chin on her shoulder.

"You know I can't sleep without you. I always wake up when you leave bed." She looked over at him and laughed when she a pout on his lips.

"Can I finish putting the pie together and then bake it tomorrow?" He nodded and kissed the side of her cheek. "Robin, I think these last two months have been good for us. We've been spending quality time together. I hope that doesn't stop when everything goes back to normal."

He frowns as he pulls away from her and leans against the counter. "Why do you think that would all stop?"

"Sometimes, I feel like you love your job more than me. You're always so passionate about the work you do and the people you help. It's so admirable and one of the things I love about you. I just don't miss the long nights at the office when I'm home alone without my husband, my best friend."

He wasn't sure how to respond at first. His heart felt like it had been kicked and he was ashamed about how he made her feel. They've been best friends for seven years and together for four of them. After they had gotten married Robin had gotten a good job offer and she had been so supportive of him. It had been a few long nights every week but he didn't know how much she missed him. They were just having this conversation after a year of him being at this job and he could see her eyes getting watery as she focused on the pie.

"Regina," he said as he stilled her hands and turned her so they faced each other. "Why haven't you told me this before? You know I wouldn't have been spending nights at the office if you didn't like it. I love spending time with you more than anything, especially work. Don't every think I love anything more than I love you."

They were in a tight embrace now and Regina was sniffling as she laid her head on his chest. "I just wanted you to succeed."

"Success means nothing without you. I promise I won't work that much when this is all over. We will spend time together and go on a vacation you've been dying to go on. Just you and me on a beach, I promise."

"I believe you." She lifted up her head and gave him a slow kiss. "I'll be honest, I've been so scared to bring it up to you. I'm so used to being someone's second choice that I got comfortable doing it."

"I know you are but like I vowed at the altar a few years ago "I will always make you a top priority, my first priority." I'm a man of my word and I don't plan on making you feel like a second choice ever again."

"I love you so much." She wiped a few tears from her cheek before pulling away from him. "Can we stop being emotional? I just want to finish this up so we can get back to bed."

"Okay, I'll stay with you. I just want ro being up one more important thing."


"Please, please, stop cooking all of these yummy foods. Between the baked goods and your mom's Spanish dishes I'm going to be 400 pounds soon!"

Her laughter filled the kitchen as she smiled up at him. He was always exaggerating about his body and he was truly perfect no matter the quarantine fifteen that he gained. His arms were still toned and he chest and stomach were perfect. He was still very fit and sexy even with all the food she's been feeding him.

"You've never been sexier," she said in a low voice as she pulled him close, bringing her lips to his ears. "You know I haven't kept my hands off of you this whole time."

"This is true. You have been extra naughty since lockdown. I have no complaints except one?"


He swiftly picked her up and swung her over his shoulder. He heard her laugh as he smacked her bottom playfully. "You're never in bed when I want to cuddle. Forget the pie, you're coming upstairs."

"Babe, I can't just leave that stuff out." Regina gestured to the ingredients on the table as he walked out of the kitchen.

"You can, you will, and you did."

Once they were in bed, Robin cuddled up and was laying his head on Regina's chest. Her fingers were in his hair rubbing soothing circles as she hummed softly. His hands were wrapped around her waist and he felt content laying there and hearing the soft beat of her heart.

"I love you and I promise to make sure you're not lonely anymore."

"Thank you, babe. We love you too." She said which had her chest pause as her breath hitched in her throat.


"I'm pregnant." She whispered in the quietness of their bedroom at four in the morning. "I've been cooking all the tike because I want to make sure our baby has a warm meal everyday. And the baking was because I want to be the mom who brings cookies to bake sales and does-"

"Regina, you're being adorable."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. When did you find out?" He asked her as he placed his hand on ber stomach and looked up at her.

"Almost two weeks ago, my period was so late and my body was acting all out of wack. I'm so tired all the time but I can't manage to sleep. I know we've been trying for over a year so I took a test. I didn't know how to tell you."

"This was perfect." He kissed her softly. "I'm so excited. You're going to be such an amazing mother. Our kid is going to have the chubbiest cheeks with you cooking."

Laughter filled the room after that before the two talked until the sun rose that morning. By morning they had an agreement that she could keep cooking as long as Robin was always by her side. He didn't want her to be alone anymore even though she told him it was just a minor thing. He wanted to be there for her through all the small things, even apple pies.

Author's Note: A quick little update for you guys. I have definitely got wrapped up in my own little world. One second it's March and then now it's almost September! Everything flew by and I neglected my writing and you lovelies. I apologize! I hope you're all doing amazing and that you're all safe. Until next time loves!

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