Kidnapped By A Thief

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Regina stood outside the tavern and she stared through the glass as she stared at her soulmate. He had sandy blonde hair and his muscles were gorgeous. She just wished he would turn around so she could see him. What if Tinkerbell is wrong and this isn't meant to be? She'll just ruin his life.

She turns away from the door and starts walking down the dark road. The Queen deeply sighs to herself as she walks away from the tavern, thoughts of her soulmate imbedded in her mind. She feels a hand wrap around her hand and quickly turns around.

"Your Majesty? What are you doing here at such a late hour?" The black haired man says.

"How do you know me?" Regina asks as she removes her hand from his grasp.

"I'm Sheriff Nottingham and I'm good friends with your husband. He hired me to keep an eye on you while he was gone." Nottingham says with a small bow.

"You know my husband?" Regina says with a slight frown.

"We are the greatest of companions and he has graciously entrusted me to keep an eye on you." He says with a crooked smile and Regina nods.

"Will you be taking me home?" Regina asks but is soon cut off.

Nottingham pushes her against the tavern wall and pins her there. She gasps when his hands travel up and down her body. She tries to scream but his mouth covers her, violently kissing her. Regina whimpers and cringes as she is reminded of the cruel nights spent with her husband the benevolent King.

"Your majesty it will only take a few moments for me to ravish you. Just be quiet and enjoy." He says and Regina cries softly as tears stream down her face.

"Get off of her!" A man yells as he pushes the Sheriff off the Queen.

"Thank you." Regina says as she looks at the man.

Before Regina can even get a response she is gagged and a cloth is thrown over her head. She's immedaietly alarmed and wishes she never went to this tavern. She would have been remotely safe in the castle she calls a prison. She feels herself being thrown over someone's shoulder and let's out a muffled scream.

"I don't know why you thought to do that. You know that was not a part of the plan. It was to kidnap her and hold her hostage." The man carrying her says.

"Robin, I was just having a little fun. You can't blame me have you seen the ass on the Queen." Nottingham says and Regina kicks whoever is carrying her.

"Milady I know this in an inconvenience but you need to calm down." Robin says and Regina groans.

Her life was already a mess. Her true love was murdered by her mother. She was sold into a loveless marriage to the King by her heartless mother. All she wanted was love and she was so close to it when she saw her soulmate. Even if she only saw his tattoo she knew she loved him dearly.

"Put her in the stables." Nottingham says and Robin nods.

Robin carries Regina all the way to the stables and gently places her on the floor of the stalls. He ties her wrists to one of the posts and takes off the bag that was blinding her. Regina immediately stares daggers at the person who kidnapped her.

"I'm sorry milady. I deeply apologize for this. I just need to provide for my young son and I owe a debt to the sheriff." Robin says as he removes the gag from her mouth.

"What are you going to do to me?" Regina whispers, scared for her life.

"I won't do anything to you. We're just going to keep you here until the reward for you increase." Robin says with a hint of disgust towards himself.

"What about your friend? Is he going to hurt me?" Regina says a little more confident.

"I'll make sure he doesn't your majesty." Robin says with a small smile.

"Regina." She says with a small smile.

"Excuse me?" Robin says with a confused look on his face.

"If you're going to kidnap me then you should at least know my name. I'm Regina." She says and Robin laughs.

"I'm Robin Hood and I'm sure you heard of me." Robin says with a smile.

"Oh, yes I have. You keep stealing from our royal carriages. One of these days I would like my jewelry back." Regina says with a smile and Robin chuckles.

"Sorry to disappoint you Regina. I gave it all away to the poor." Robin says and Regina's heart flutters from his kindness.

"Robin, go get some firewood." Nottingham says as he walks into the stables.

"I'll be right back." Robin says as he rolls up his sleeves, revealing his lion tattoo.

The lion tattoo? His lion tattoo! Robin must be Regina's soulmate. She is quite pleased to find out that he is a kind and caring man. If only they met under different circumstances they could be together because right there Regina knew she loved this man.

"It's just me and you, your majesty." Nottingham says sending chills up Regina's spine.

Robin was walking around in the woods searching for wood to start a fire. The woods have always been a safe haven to him but tonight everything felt sickly eerie. Maybe it was the chilling temperature and the unusual silence and stillness of the woods? Or maybe just the beautiful Queen who wormed her way into his big heart.

"Stop!" He hears her fearful voice scream.

Instantly Robin starts running towards the stables. Adrenaline pumps through every vein as he sprints to help this woman. He swings open the door and sees Nottingham raise a hand to hit her again. Without even giving any thought to the situation Robin hits Nottingham's head with the hard handle of his bow. Nottingham falls to the cold ground, instantly unconscious.

"Are you alright?" Robin asks as he bends down to her level.

"He hit me." Regina says as she turns her head.

"It's alright. You'll be fine." Robin says as he places his hand on top of hers.

She was slowly leaning towards him. She wasn't even thinking, she just needed to be closer to him. Robin leaned in as well, closing the space between them. They looked into each other's eyes and saw hope, a second chance. Robin holds her cheek and brings her face closer to his. Their lips are slightly brushing against each other's before they softly kiss each other.

"Robin!" Nottingham yells as he gets off the floor.

Robin pulls away from the kiss and grabs his knife. He quickly cuts the ropes around Regina's wrists and pulls her up from the ground. He grabs her hand and runs out the stables with her closely behind. Once outside Robin runs to the only horse and mounts it.

"Cone with me." Robin says as he holds out a hand for her to the take.

"Why?" She asks as she stares up at his blue eyes.

"Do you trust me?" Robin asks her as he sees Nottingham approaching them.

"Yes." Regina says instantly as she grabs his hand.

He pulls her up on the horse and starts to gallop away. Regina tightly clings to Robin's torso as she holds on for dear life. She buries her bruised face into his back as she stares into the empty woods.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Regina asks with her brow furrowed.

"I'm kidnapping you." He says with a smirk as he continues to lead his horse.

"Thank you." Regina says before she places a small kiss on his cheek, grateful to be taken away from her horrid life.

This was going to be a book but I decided against it. Maybe in the future when I have time I'll try to develop a plot. I hope you loved this.

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