A Few Tears

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Robin had just picked the boys up from school and took them to get some frozen yogurt as they did every Friday. He just pulled up the car to the front of the mansion and Henry helped Roland out of his car seat. Since Henry had his hands full with Roland, Robin had to carry the backpacks and the frozen yogurt and then Henry's stupid sports equipment. The teen decided he should try baseball and although Robin tried to be supportive of his son he knew Henry sucked at baseball.

"What's Mom's car doing here? She's usually home after us," Henry said as he grabbed his little brother's hand.

"Maybe she came home early to bake turnovers!" Roland yelled as he abandoned his brother's hand and ran into the house. (The door was unlocked because Regina trusted her magic protection spells more than a "lock created by stupid little dwarves" as she calls it.)

"Well, Regina's turnovers are better than this cake batter frozen yogurt drowned in gummy bears," Robin shrugged as he and Henry followed Roland into the mansion.

When Robin walked in and dropped the bags on the floor, even though Regina hated it, he noticed the house was dark and quiet. Usually, when Regina was home the lights would've been on and you could hear her playing soft jazz on the speakers in the living room. It was odd and Robin's first thought was that she might be asleep.

"Mommy's not in the kitchen making turnovers," Roland said sadly as he pouted and walked out of the kitchen.

"You still have your frozen yogurt, Ro. Go wash your hands and eat with your brother. You might find something on tv to watch," Robin suggested as he kicked off his shoes and placed them on the shoe rack.

"I get to pick!" Roland yelled as he ran into the living room.

Robin just had to shake his head as he looked over at Henry. "Keep your brother out of trouble while I go see what Mom is up to."

"Got it," the teenager said as he went into the living room and groaned at what Roland chose to watch.

Robin shook his head before he quietly climbed up the stairs just in case Regina did happen to be asleep. He opened the door to their bedroom and frowned when he saw her in bed. Her back was to him and she was curled up and still wearing her pajamas from this morning. He just sighed as he took off his jacket and put it over the chair of her vanity.

"Are you alright, my love?" He asked her as he climbed into bed behind her.

"I feel as fat as Little John and none of my clothes fit me anymore," she sniffled as she shifted a little in bed.

"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed as he wrapped his arms around her so his hand rubbed her small baby bump. "Turn around and look at me."

After a few moments, she rolled over in bed to face him. He saw the tears streaking her cheeks and frowned as he tried to wipe them away. The small act caused a few more tears to spill from her eyes as she sniffled.

"It's such a shame to see my beautiful and sexy wife cry like this. You're so precious my love," he said softly as he cupped her cheek. "What happened this morning? I left and you were completely fine."

"I was getting ready for work and none of my pencil skirts were fitting me. I-I couldn't even zip up my favorite dress and it was just terrible. I've had the same body for thirty years and now I'm fat." Regina was starting to work herself up and even started to cry more.

"No, sweetheart! You're so far from fat and you look so beautiful today aside from these nasty tears on your face. You're having our baby and you shouldn't feel like this about it."

Regina nodded as she wiped her tears away and sniffed. "I love you so much," she said as she cuddled into his warm body.

"You're such a beautiful person it's unbelievable. You have a heart that's bigger than all of Storybrooke," he told her and she laughed as she smiled up at him.

"You never gave me a kiss hello, Robin. Shame on you," she teased before she kissed him softly. "I'm sorry if I'm being dramatic. This baby is sucking the literal life out of me and I'm so emotional because of it but I love every second of it. Every second she grows a little bit more."

"She? What makes you think the baby is a girl? I thought with our luck we'd have a boy. A house full of messy boys is the perfect challenge for Mrs.Locksley."

"Well, I can feel it inside me. She's such a powerful little girl and she makes my magic hum like it's never had before. I love how she feels inside of me."

"You're absolutely adorable Regina. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes for today? We can spend tomorrow shopping for-"

"If you dare say maternity clothes then I'll have to torch you. I'm too regal to stoop so low and wear those monstrosities. We'll just buy the next size up," Regina declared and Robin nodded. "And yes, I'll steal some of your clothes for today."

"Before you rummage through my closet and steal my clothes I need to see our growing little bean," he said as he started to unbutton Regina's pajama top.

"You're absolutely insane," she said back as she watched him lay between her legs as he rubbed her growing stomach.

"They grew so much in such little time," Robin commented as he started to caress his wife's fast-growing baby bump. "I love you so much little one," he added as he kissed right above her belly button which made her chuckle.

"I love you so much. You make me so happy," she told him with a smile as she pulled him close to her so she could kiss him.

Robin hovered over her, being mindful of the growing baby between them, and kissed his wife with a smile on his face. After a while, he pulled away and then rubbed his nose against hers with a sigh. The small gesture always made a smile appear on the Queen's face which made a wider one show up on the thief's.

"I'll put some actual clothes on and join you and the boys downstairs. I'll be expecting some tea, you know how much I love your tea," Regina said as she started to get out of bed.

"A cup of hot tea will be waiting for you, my love." He followed her out of bed and once she was standing he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't ever cry such nasty tears over our baby growing, okay?"

Regina smiled as she moved her head so she could kiss his cheek. "I promise. I love you and our baby and our boys who probably trashed the living room by now."

"Oh, god. You're absolutely right," Robin said with a sigh. "I love you too."

Author's Note: Just a quick little one-shot that I had an idea for. This just seems like something Regina would do if she was pregnant. But I have another one-shot in the works and I'm excited for it. See you lovelies soon!

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