Knight In Shining Armor (Part Two)

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"You didn't have to move in here." Regina says as she holds the door open for David.

"I would feel better if I moved in here to protect you. What if Robin came back and hurt you?" He says as he sets his suitcase down.

"That's what a protection spell is for. He wouldn't be able to bypass it and I would be safe." Regina says still standing her ground.

"Well, I'm going to stay here anyway." David says as he walks up the stairs and she groans following him.

"This is your room and this is Henry's room. This is my room and if you go inside I might just have to kill you." Regina explains as she points to all the rooms.

"We all know that you wouldn't do that." David says and Regina quirks an eyebrow.

"What makes you so sure?" Regina says with a flirtatious tone that she immediately regrets.

David walks closer to her and her back reaches the wall. Her breath hitches as his lips near hers. He softly kisses her and she reciprocates eagerly. His hands wrap around her waist as he continues to kiss her.

"I know you have feelings for me and you're too damn stubborn to realize. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, I know you want me in your bed." David whispers in her ear and she gasps. Before she can even curse at him or threaten him Henry interrupts.

"Mom, can I stay at Grace's?" Henry yells from downstairs and Regina practically jumps out of David's grasp.

"I wanted you to be here for dinner with David and I." Regina says as she walks down the stairs.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather be alone?" Henry says with a smirk.

"Henry Daniel Mills! I don't know what you're implying but I know I don't appreciate that tone." Regina says as a deep red blush creeps up her neck.

"I wasn't implying anything. I just want to go spend time with Grace, Hansel, and Gretel." Henry tries to say innocently.

"You can go. Are you staying for the weekend or is it just today?" Regina asks once she considers the opportunity to spend time with David.

"The weekend would be great Mom." He says and he knocks her over in a hug.

"Just be careful and don't get into trouble." She says and he nods.

"Of course Mom. Love you!" He says as he places a kiss on her cheek and dashes out the door with his backpack.

"You'll let him kiss you but I can't?" David says from the top of the stairs and Regina scoffs.

"He's my son and I love him. Meanwhile, you are an annoying house guest." Regina says as she walks towards the kitchen.

"I'm a house guest with a purpose." David says as he follows her in the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner?" Regina asks him as she opens the refrigerator. "There isn't anything in the refrigerator. How about Granny's for dinner?" She says as she bends down to search further in the refrigerator. David forgets his words once his eyes land on the Mayor's rear end.

"Nice." David whispers to himself and Regina turns around to catch him staring at her.

"What?" She asks and he immediately blushes.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go to Granny's, I'll drive." David says as he grabs his keys and flees the kitchen.

Despite Regina's many protests David drives to Granny's in his truck. Somehow during the ride David's hand landed on her knee and Regina doesn't notice. Maybe because she is so comfortable with him or the fact that her mind is betraying her with thoughts of his wife. David catches her worried looks and wishes that he could wash her pain away.

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