In The Underworld

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I had this idea for a long time and I wasn't sure if I should post it. Tell me if you like this or if it's just complete rubbish.


They've been in the underworld for a few days. A few days too long. The whole group was getting antsy. The whole journey was completely pointless since Guyliner moved on and went to a worst place. Emma was completely devastated and the whole group had to make sure she didn't do anything stupid.

They are now walking towards the Charming's loft after they had dinner at Granny's. There was small talk and of course Emma stayed quiet. Robin and Regina tightly held hands as they walked down the street. Regina laid her head on her soulmate's shoulder as she held her son's hand.

"What do you guys want to do when we get back to the hell loft?" Henry says with a smirk.

"Henry, stop saying hell. This is the underworld. We should watch a movie while we find a way to get the hell out of hell." Regina says and the group laughs.

"I can't wait to get home and see Neal." Charming says and Snow nods.

"I just want to hold both of my children." Snow says as she drapes an arm over Emma's shoulder.

"Snow?" A voice says from behind the group.

They all turn around and stared at the King with open mouths. Snow ran over to hug her father and Regina hid behind Robin. Robin tightly held his arrow, ready to hit the man who hunted him for years. Henry had a wide smile on his face, happy to meet his great grandfather and Emma had a blonde moment and was left completely confused.

"Father, what are you doing here?" Snow says as she exits the hug.

"I have some unfinished business." King Leopold says as he stares at Regina.

"What is it?" Snow asks and Regina clings to Robin.

"I just want to tell you that your insolent whore of a stepmother killed me." Leopold spits out as he stares at Regina.

Snow steps away from her father in shock. Robin watches with a furrowed brow as tears fall down Regina's cheeks. This was the only thing she didn't want anyone to find out. It was her darkest secret and now everyone knows it. It's almost certain that Robin will leave her and she'll be alone again.

"I don't believe you. Why would she kill you?" Snow says and more tears fall down Regina's cheeks.

"Who knows why such a woman would do something like that?" Leopold says and Robin pushes Regina behind him.

"You don't have the right to speak to Regina like that. For such a benevolent King you are quite shameful." Robin says to the King with fire in his eyes.

"Ah, Robin Hood. It seems you managed to steal my whore of a wife as well." The King says and Henry holds his mother's hand.

"Mom, don't listen to him." Henry says as he wipes her tears. He leads her away from the whole scene. As they walk away Regina can't help but bring her son into s hug.

"I can't believe she has a son since she clearly couldn't birth an heir." Leopold nonchalantly says.

"Father, enough! Regina is my friend and she is a good person. You don't have the right to degrade her like that. So what she killed you! If you acted like that towards me I would have killed you too." The angry Snow bites back.

"Calm down Snow. Let's just go see Regina." David says as he places a comforting hand on Snow's shoulder.

David leads his heated wife away from her father and Emma follows, still confused by the whole ordeal. Robin stares at the King with all the hatred in his eyes and the King just smiles. He walks up to Robin and stands right in front if his face.

"I hope she's still good in bed." He whispers and Robin looses it.

Robin quickly notches his bow and easily shoots the man in the head with an arrow. Robin smiles to himself as the man disappears from site. The arrows falls to the ground and Robin picks it up, smiling to himself.

"Robin?" Regina asks as she walks up behind him.

"He's already dead. I'm sure he wasn't harmed." Robin says before he turns to her. "Now, are you alright?"

"I never wanted you to know that I killed my husband. I know that you don't see me as a murderer but I had to do it." Regina says as she looks down at her feet, tears clouding her eyes.

"It's alright my love." Robin says as he lifts her chin. "I don't care what happened in your past. Your future is all I care about because I'll be in it." Robin says and Regina smiles widely.

"Robin, you want to be my future?" Regina says with more tears in her eyes and Robin immediately wipes them away.

"Of course I do. At some point I want to marry you and I want to build a happy future with you. You're such an amazing woman." Robin says before he gives her a kiss.

"I'm glad you say that because I have some news." Regina says and she takes a deep breath.

"What is it?" Robin asks rubbing her soft cheek.

"I'm pregnant." She whispers out and Robin smiles widely. He wraps his arms tightly around her waist and spins her around in a circle while she giggles.

"I'm so excited! We'll have a baby soon!" Robin screams with joy and Regina laughs.

"I wasn't sure how to tell you and I didn't think that now was the best time." Regina says nervously and Robin shakes his head.

"Any time is always the best time." He says before he kisses her softly. "This is just the first step towards our future.

Author's Note: None of this probably makes any sense. I really should refrain from writing one shots at one in the morning. Oh, what the hell? Anyways, I hope you loved this regardless of how crappy it is!!!

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