The Sick Princess

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"Jeffy!" Regina whines from her room.

"Yes, baby." Jefferson says as he runs into her room.

"I need more tissues." She says in her nasally and congested voice.

"Okay, I'll get you some more tissues. Let me just take your temperature." Jefferson says as he sits on the bed.

"Get away from me! You're just gonna get sick." Regina complains and Jefferson shuts her up by sticking the thermometer in her mouth.

"Your my little sick princess and I don't care if I get sick. Okay?" He asks and she reluctantly nods and the thermometer beeps so Jefferson takes it out. "Your fever is going down. It's only a hundred degrees now."

"Oh, thank god it's going down. I hate being stuck in this damn bed!" She exclaims as she throws her fist down on her sheets, making the layer of used tissues bounce.

"If you didn't overwork yourself then you wouldn't be here. Just relax for the time being." Jefferson says and she nods.

Jefferson left to get her a new box of tissue and a glass of water. He walks back into her room and hands her the tissues. She grabs the box and blows her nose fiercely. Jefferson shakes his head as he sets the water down.

"I love you." Jefferson says with a smile and Regina scoffs.

"Whatever." She mumbles as she rolls over to take a nap but she shivers. "Can you get me another blanket?"

Jefferson climbs into bed with her and wraps his arms around her tightly. Regina was going to protest but he felt so warm against her. Jefferson wraps his leg around and pins her to bed. Regina was very comfortable and was about to doze off until she felt Jefferson kissing her neck.

"Jeffy, stop it. You're going to get sick." Regina whines but he keeps kissing her.

"Regina, I don't care if I get sick. My love for you conquers my fear of germs." Jefferson says as he kisses her lips softly.

"Fine, you can keep kissing me." Regina says with a smile.

"I love my sweet little sick princess." Jefferson says as he starts sucking on her neck and she softly moans.

"I love you so much Jeffy."

Regina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now