Chapter 10: Uninvited Guest

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(Warnings: Slight Sexual Content)

Dean grinned as he saw Erix was okay. Erix however was frozen in place in horror.

"I've missed you, buddy," Dean smiled, "How've you been...?"

As Dean stepped forward, Erix stepped back. He lowered his gaze.

"Why are you here," Erix asked lowly.

"What," Dean asked, confused why he was asking the question.

"Why'd you look for me," Erix clarified, glaring at him.

"I was worried," Dean said gently.

"I left a note," Erix growled, "I gave crystal clear instructions and more. But somehow you two don't know how to..."

"Just me," Dean whispered.


"It's just me here, Erix," Dean said louder, "I came alone. I thought it would be for the best."

Erix blinked back tears.

"You shouldn't be here, Dean," Erix said, turning his head.

"I had to make sure you were alright," Dean reasoned, "You left without saying goodbye. You didn't even say when you were coming back."

"I'm not," Erix said, looking at him sadly.

Dean's smile faded. His face contorted to anger then sadness.

"What do you mean," Dean asked, not wanting to believe he was losing his best friend.

"I'm not coming back, Dean," Erix repeated, "I'm staying here in Beacon Hills where I belong."

"You can't be serious, E," Dean said, shaking his head, "We're your family! We need you. Please, don't do this to me..."

Dean stepped forward and Erix stepped back again.

"I'm sorry," Erix said softly, "But I'm not going back. I'm done. You should go back to your brother."

Erix left to his bedroom and shut the door. Dean started heading back to the door. But he stopped and set an envelope down on the threshold. Then he went to his car. Once he was in his car, he angrily hit his steering wheel repeatedly. When he stopped he rested his head on the wheel and sobbed.

"Cas. I need you. I need... I need help. I need to talk to someone who would understand..."

Cas showed up in the passenger seat. He looked at Dean with a blank expression that quickly changed to sorrow when he noticed he was upset.

"What happened," Cas asked, grabbing his gently to wipe his tears.

"Erix, Sam had cheated on him," Dean explained, "He was gone and... Sam cheated on him. This is Sam's fault! He should be here apologizing not me! He... Thanks, Cas."

"Dean, maybe you should take a breather," Cas suggested, knowing how big of an argument could breakout between the two, "So you can calm down..."

He froze as Dean kissed him. Then he melted at the intimate embrace.

"Then you better distract me, angel," Dean whispered.

Cas started undoing his pants to 'distract' him from the chaos going on with the two important people in his everyday life.

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