Chapter 15: Forgiven

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Erix stroked Elijah's hair as he slept soundly. His head rested in his lap. Sam handed him a cup of whiskey. Erix stared at the cup for a minute then at him.

"You don't trust me," Sam said, chuckling in embarrassment.

He drank from the cup and hissed lightly as the burn reached his throat. Erix took the cup next time he offered. He took a long sip from it, coughing a little from the sting. Sam smiled.

"Almost forgot what that felt like," Erix said.

"A hunter's medicine," Sam said, "Listen can we talk?"

Erix shrugged and Sam sat down beside him. He poured another cup before refilling Erix's.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my ass," Sam said, "Again."

"Last time a charm, I guess," Erix said, taking another sip.

"I was wrong for what I did to you," Sam said, "I should've been more considerate. I was an asshole for treating you like that..."

"What's her name," Erix asked, staring at the amber liquid in his cup.

Sam hesitated and stared at Erix with the cup up the face.

"Her name was Eileen," Sam said.

Erix looked up and then made eye contact with Sam as sorrow overtook his features.

"Oh, Sam," Erix said, realizing what he meant, "I'm so sorry..."

Sam dropped his head to stop his oncoming tears. Erix gently rubbed his back in comfort.

"Want to know the worst part," Sam asked, "I wanted to call you and rant about her and what happened. I wanted to tell you how I fucked up... I fucked up so much. I'm so sorry, E."

"Shh. It's alright," Erix said, "We may not be lovers anymore but I still care enough to call you my friend. We've been through too much shit together for me to just uproot you from my close friend list."

"I was half expecting you to say I deserve it," Sam said.

"No one deserves to lose someone they love," Erix said, "I wouldn't put that on my worst enemy. I was mad Sam but I don't hate you. I think we were a bad fit for each other. We both needed something... Someone better."

"Friends," Sam asked, putting his hand up.

Erix clasped his hand with Sam's.

"Brothers," Erix smiled, causing Sam to smile.

Dean showed up and held out his cup. Sam poured him a glass and they all sat together.

"So tell us about Mr. Loverboy there," Dean smiled, "I'm dying to know how this happened."

They listened to Erix talk about Elijah while finishing the bottle. After Erix walked Sam and Dean to their car.

"Thanks again, E," Sam said.

"You two get home safe," Erix said, "Text me to let me know you made it."

"Got it, chief," Dean said, getting in the car.

Erix waved as they drove away then went back inside the Mikaelson Mansion.


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