Chapter 19: Taking Down An Angel

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Warnings: Gun Violence; Supernatural Violence; Mentions of Suicidal Ideations

Erix stalked up to the chair with his gun hidden. He glanced over at Dean, right behind Sam, on the left of him. He pointed forward twice, making them take each wall. Then he walked into the open.

"Gadreel," Erix said, "Come out and let's talk. That's what you wanted, right?"

A sound of wings was heard behind him, making him turn.

"Mr. Hale," Gadreel said, stepping closer, "I've heard about you."

"They have a newspaper in heaven," Erix asked, flashing a smile.

"Very funny," Gadreel said, circling him, "You run with the Winchesters. They trust you. A werewolf that runs with hunters. It's unheard of. I had to meet you in person. Why is that?"

"I have soft, small hands," Erix said, "A gentle voice, and they have a sex dungeon. Put the pieces together, angel."

He winked at Gadreel playfully. Gadreel glared at him before walking closer.

"You're about as irritating as the eldest Winchester boy," Gadreel said.

"Thanks," Erix grinned.

He grabbed Erix by the throat and threw him at the wall. Erix grimaced as he got up, slowly. Gadreel was already in front of him with an angel blade in his hand. He ducked and rolled as he scraped the wall. Dean finally came out of hiding and shot Gadreel three times. He doubled over, bleeding from the stomach.

"Winchester," Gadreel growled.

"Winged Dickbag," Dean smirked.

He rushed at him and Sam blocked his way to him, kicking him back. Dean placed a gun at his skull.

"I'll blow your brains on the fucking pavement, bitch," Dean growled.

Erix wiped the blood from his mouth as he walked over. He pulled out his gun and shot his thigh, making him grimace.

"Let's hurry this shit up," Erix said.

He watched as Dean and Sam interrogated Gadreel for information. Finally, after a while, he started being honest with them in exchange for his freedom. Erix stood up and walked over to Dean.

"Gonna let him go? Are you serious," Erix asked, "He's our main lead for taking down Lucifer."

"I want nothing to do with that traitor," Gadreel said.

"Hey, Gaddy," Sam said, "Shut up!"

"What do you suggest," Dean asked.

"A way to keep in touch," Erix suggested, glancing at him, "In case we need more info."

"You gonna get his phone number or something," Dean sassed.

"No. I'm not an idiot," Erix said, "A signal. Or some way we could link him to someone to show up as soon as he called."

"So a mental link," Sam said, "Makes sense."

"Yeah, but who," Dean asked.

"Me," Sam said, volunteering, "We can't leave him with Erix because he stays with his brother and nephews. You're too trigger-happy and suicidal. So the only other option is me."

"Are you insane," Dean hissed.

"For once I agree," Erix said, "That's practically suicide."

"He mentioned that we're needed alive by Lucifer and Michael," Sam said, "If that's true then they'll refuse to let me die by him."

"If it's not true," Erix asked.

"Then we'll find some other way," Sam said, "We don't have much of a choice here. We're running out of time, guys."

Dean scoffed and shook his head, turning to Erix to talk some sense into him. He pondered over the idea a little before sighing.

"Is this what you truly want, Sam," Erix asked, crossing his arms.


"Then fine," Erix said, "But as soon as something starts going wrong you tell that winged dickbag to beat it! Understood?"

Sam gave a short nod. Erix helped with the linking spell which they had to call Rowena for extra help with. 

After Erix headed back up to Beacon Hills. He was about to lie down in bed for the night when he felt someone else in the room with him. Erix grabbed his gun and put the safety off, aiming it directly at the intruder.

"Really, Erix?"

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