Chapter 5: Something Secret

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-with Lucy-

She sighed holding her beer out to Maine who piped the Cap off with his thumb as she said "So tell me, are you really going to kill Him?"

"Him, who?" Maine asked before smirking and adding "oh you mean The kid, what's his name?"

"David" Dorio answered poping to cap off of her beer with her thumb.

"I don't know Luce" Maine stated with a sigh "I know Gloria wouldn't want me to but-"

"But don't get between you and your Cyberware, I know" Lucy stated with a sigh "He's just a kid Maine, I feel I can't stress that enough"

"I know Lucy" Maine stated with a sigh as he sipped his own beer "I know"

"So what are you going to do if his Initiation goes side ways?" Dorio asked crossing her arms.

Maine sighed as he took a long drink of his beer as if to stall for time before taking his beer away from his lips and said "I, i don't know Dorio"

Lucy glanced at Dorio who was Glaring at the back of Maine's head, the look on her face made Lucy worried about her apartment if the woman Decided to take a swing.

Pilar on the other hand was drinking silently, as if in a world of his own thoughts.

"You alright choom?" Lucy asked walking over.

"Yeah, I'm fine" pilar said smiling but it dropped almost as soon as he looked into Lucy's eyes "just worried about Becca that's all"

"What's up with becca?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know" Pilar replied sadly as he moved to stare out the windows "thats what's worrying me"

Lucy sighed looking at Pilar, the usually over happy Techie was in a sad state.

"It just" Pilar started, it was clear he wanted to say something but seemed like he was unable to find the words.

"Take your time" Lucy encouraged as she watched him.

Pilar sighed looking down at his beer before saying "it feels like she's not all there sometimes, More commonly after a stressful gig"

Lucy's look softened as she said "it's going to be okay choom, Becca is a smart girl, I don't think she'd do anything to out herself in danger"

"You don't know my sister like I do" Pilar said, sadly "when she's not fully put together, like after the last gig, she was like a completely different person, she's wasn't as bubbly and happy as she usually is, she was more air headed, like she was in some Euphoric Coma"

Pilar sighed again as he began to chug his drink.

Lucy sighed herself as she said "I'm sure she's going to be okay Pilar"

Pilar took the beer away from his lips and said "I'm not so sure, but it makes me worry about something"

"About what?"

"About who will look after her when I'm not here" Pilar said sadly looking out of the window again.

"I will" Lucy said quickly, something inside her seemed to flip, like a switch, suddenly all Lucy wanted to do was make this man happy, Looking at the man in front her, seeing him as sad and worried about his younger sister as he was, It hurt her more than she ever thought a man could hurt her, "I'll look out for her if anything were to happen to you"

"Thanks Lucy" Pilar stated bluntly, seemingly still in thought.

"Well" Maine started as he stood up off the couch with what could only be described as an 'old man' groan "Dorio and I are gonna delta, it's getting late"

"No worries Choom!" Pilar called, putting on his happy mask once again.

The quick shift in his emotions stunned Lucy as she absent-mindedly waved Maine and Dorio off without taking her shocked eyes off the grey Skinned man infront of her.

However Maine stopped at the door as he said "Oh and here" Lucy's display showed a deposit of one thousand Eurodollars as Maine continued "good work today Luce, all lost Eddies and then some for your work"

Lucy didn't reply, her attention was firmly glued to Pilar.

She didn't move not even when She heard her apartment door close behind the guests who had just left.

Pilar simply sighed as he quickly finished his beer placing it in the recycling and said "I should delts too, Make sure Becca hasn't blown the apartment to bits"

"You Could stay here if you'd like" Lucy said following him to the kitchen "only if you want"

Pilar sighed a light chuckle slipping past his lips as he said "nah choomba, I should Delta, gotta make sure Becca hasn't Flatlined somehow"

"How would she flatline if she's home alone"

"Its Becca, she'd find a way if she was curious enough" Pilar stated as he left the apartment.

-with David-

David sighed as he crawled into his mother's apartment through a vent in the bathroom due to the rent being past due and stripped down, deciding to take a shower with a sigh.

He sighed as he stood under the hot water, still unable to believe that he survived the encounter with Maine and his crew, however even with the threat of his Spine being ripped out he was still happy, His Eddie problem could be Solved soon enough, and he would be able to keep the Sandevistan.

His mind began to wonder to the Netrunner girl, Lucy, she intrigued him, she must have known Maine and the others were on their way, she must have been the one to set up the trap and even stall him until they got there.

"Did she set me up?" David questioned to himself "she must have"

David sighed as he washed himself with what little body wash he had left and left the shower in nothing but his towel, The sandevistan shining slightly in the artificial light of the apartment.

He stood at the window and looked out at the dimly lit Night City as he muttered "regardless of what she did, she vouched for me when I offered to Work for Maine, She had my back, and I'm alive because of that"

He sighed as he walked to his room and throwing on a pair of boxers and walked back out Grabbing his mother's Jacket from the bathroom and laid on the couch, Wrapping the jacket around him as he laid there watching Television and glancing at his mother's urn again, next to it sat a picture of him and his mother.

He sighed as he muttered "I really should do something with her ashes"

-with Pilar-

Pilar sighed as he parked his beat up, shit box of a car near his and Rebecca's apartment and just sat there more a moment as he muttered "don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead"

He took a deep breath as he got out of the car and jogged up the stairs opening the apartment door and walked in, closing the door behind him he looked at the loungeroom.

There she laid on the couch, bathed in light Blue light from the T.V, her arms folded under her head, One slightly closer to her Iron, a pastel coloured pistol that was part of a dual set.

The light rising and falling of her Biosculpted chest gave him peace of mind as he sighed and turned off the Television then looked around to his surprise there was no extra light in the Apartment.

He signed and turned on the small Night light that was plugged into the wall near the couch that doubled as Rebecca's bed.

He didnt quite understand why she insisted it be on when she sleeps, But he didn't care.

Even though they fought like cats and dogs he still loved and cared about his sister.

He sighed pulling his vest and draped it on the back of his rolling desk chair before kicking off his shoes and falling into bed.

Something was going on with Rebecca, and he wanted to find out what it was but didn't know where to start, he knew Rebecca wouldn't tell him anything if he asked.

"Maybe Lucy can do some digging for me" He thought as he fell asleep in the only bed in the house.

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