Chapter 6: S&M

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-a few days later-

David sighed as he Awoke in the morning.

He hadn't heard from Maine about a gig to prove himself, sighing he sat up and began calling Maine.

"What- What do you want?" Came the man's answer.

"Was- Was just hoping you had a gig yet"

"Not- Not yet kid" Maine replied bluntly "I'll let- I'll let you know, Said- Said that already"

"I- I know" David stated with a light sigh before continuing "just- Just eager to get- Get out there"

He heard Maine sigh on the other end of the call before saying "I- I might have something, Basic- Basic Escort gig, Pilar's Sister needs- Needs to see her Ripperdoc, Low- Low risk, Low pay, two hundred eds, call you back"

The call ended quickly before David could say anything causing the boy to sigh.

He walked into the kitchen and began Preparing himself the same Bland sludge that he'd been eating for the last couple days as it was all he could afford to make.

He brought the bowl over to the couch before injecting himself with a shot of Imunoblockers.

He silently began eating as he eagerly waited for Maine to call him back.

He soon finished his bowl of tasteless sludge and dropped his dirty dishes into the sink.

At that moment Maine decided to call back.

"So?" David asked quickly.

"Spoke to- Spoke to Pilar" Maine stated "he insisted on- On your cut being five- Five hundred for the Basic gig, after- After taking my payment"

"When- when do I start?" David questioned.

"Becca doesn't- Doesn't wake until midday, be northside before then, Pilar will pay upfront, be Careful, she- She's unpredictable, but she's also a Sweetie at- at Heart, Coords attached"

David smiled to himself as he said "preem! I'll be there"

The call was Hung up quickly

David sighed smiling as he got dressed and sat on the couch watching Television while he waited

He constantly kept an eye on the time, only leaving the house when it struck half past eleven, He got up and quickly left the apartment heading to the NCART.

David got onto the train and rode it all the way to the Watson District and getting off at the nearest stop to northside.

As David Walked down the street he looked around, The area was a little nicer than his neighbourhood of Santo Domingo.

He sighed and made his way to the location he was sent.

When he got there he saw The same tall slender man that was at Lucy's a few days prior, he was wearing a black vest and jeans leaning against a shitbox car.

"Are you Pilar?" David asked as he approached.

"Yes I am!" Pilar said happily, "how are you this morning choom!"

"Just happy I've got a job!"

"This isn't a proper gig!" Pilar stated with a smile "But Maine called me, telling me you were bugging him to get out there and proving yourself"

"I believe I'm ready!" David stated with determination in his eyes and lacing him voice.

"Ah to be fresh again" Pilar mused to himself before stating "anyway he and I agreed that if you can handle spending the day with my sister, your ready to go on a proper gig, so the job is simple, Just spend the day with Rebecca, whatever she wants, just make sure she sees the Reaperdoc"

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