Chapter 15: Boy In The Bubble

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The next day he was awoken by a call which he answered.

"Aldo's, now" ordered the deep voice of the crew leader Maine before the call ended.

David sighed then groaned as he pushed himself up off the couch, walking over to one of the brown bags, this one was opened allowing Him to reach in and retrieve a dose of Immunoblockers.

He quickly stabbed it into his arm, emptying the liquid inside before discarding the empty cartridge into the bin before checking his work out schedule only to find sit ups and squats.

Sighing he stripped down and got into the shower, beginning to do the allotted squats and sit ups before washing himself.

He knew Maine was waiting for him but he knew he needed to shower.

When he was finished he got dressed and headed out, arriving at Aldo's half an hour later, the purple Quadra Type-66 already parked at the front of the warehouse, with a table and chairs under a beach umbrella nearby, Maine's large frame hidden in the shade.

David approached cautiously as he said "Hey Maine, sorry I'm late i-"

"Save it kid, don't got time for excuses" Maine stated cutting the boy off as he said "take a seat"

David nodded quickly as he sat in the plastic chair seated on the other side of Maine.

They simply sat in silence, Maine drinking a beer, just simply staring out at the Sandy horizon of the badlands.

When He finished his beer he reached down beside him and opened two with simple pops of the caps which he removed with his thumbs.

He placed one next to David while nursing the other in his hand.

"So kid uh" Maine stated awkwardly.

So?" David asked.

"just wanted to say, sorry about your mum" Maine stated sadly "Gloria was a good person, despite doing what she did"

"You mean kleping other people's Cyberware and selling them to the highest bidder"

"Truth be told kid, most of my Cyberware came from Gloria, but she did it for you, to keep a roof over your head, to keep you in that Corp school, to make sure you were okay"

"That what you wanted me here for?" David asked "to reminisce about my mum? Doesn't sound like you"

He huffed a light chuckle as he said "maybe I'm just getting old"

David sighed as he picked up the beer next to him and took a sip of it, that's when he heard the sound of something being placed on the table.

"Ever use one?" Maine asked referring to the M-10AF Lexington that now sat on the table.


"Gloria never let you carry?" He asked bluntly before sighing and smirking as he added "bout time we changed that, What do ya say? Could teach you a couple tricks If you'd like?"

"I say..." David started as he thought about the offer "Sandevistan, stick with that for now"

"Whatever you say choom" Maine stated ""but! you don't fly your crib without cover from now on, you feel me, Dawg" Maine stated still smirking at the boy "every single day, you check, Wallet, Cock sock and your damn iron" he explained, lightly growling the last part "sure some punks strictly hack, or go straight chrome, but it'll be awhile before you can keep your ass alive, using just cyberware, until that time comes that piece there will be your back up plan"

"got it" David stated bluntly, only half paying attention to the large, muscular man next to him.

"so how are things going with Becca?" he asked catching David off guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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