Chapter 11: Celebrations

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-hours later-

Night had fallen over the badlands, and instead of being sf home, David sat on the hood of Maine's purple Quadra Type-66, the hulky man sitting next to him.

They were watching Pilar entertain everyone there.

"Well I gotta say not bad for a rookie" Maine said turning his Sterling blue eyes to David "even if you almost got zeroed out by that Tyger Claw"

"So, we're cool now?" David stated with a smirk

"Sure, welcome to the crew" Maine replied "but remember little man, No one you can count on more than yourself, if you start using us as a crutch, you'll be as good as flatlined"

"Yeah, sure got it" David stated.

They continued to watch Pilar entertain the crowd, mostly the crew, juggling Bottles and plates, catching bottles that Dorio threw at him.

Suddenly Dorio made a motion which David could only describe as jerking off, causing Pilar to throw the plates and bottles down breaking all but one.

He however recovered quickly yelling "ain't hazing me, wanna test them yourself?" while smacking the bottom of a beer bottle sending liquid out of the top.

That's when an elderly lady walked ul handing Maine a bag, which he looked through before fastening it closed.

He placed it down next to David and said "immunoblockers, good for a month"

"No thanks" David syated searching the crowd "Hunter already hooked me up"

Maine was quiet for a moment before saying "take 'em anyway, gotta keep you on the up and up"

David nodded.

"And" Maine stated before a transfer of ten thousand eddies appeared appeared, before being added to his account "here's your cut, everyone gets a fair shake, the only way I do biz"

David smiled as he said "thanks"

That's when a Limo pulled up, causing Maine to stand up "run along kid, I've got some biz to handle but remember, We're celebrating"

David nodded as he walked off that's when a bike pulled up in a space right at the front of the lot, it was the only thing able to make it through the rows of cars.

The leather jacket should have given it away but he sat up straight and pulled his helmet off revealing the black and red streaked hair.

There seemed to be a woman on the back of the bike, she wore a grey top which was tied into a knot at the bottom, she also wore blue overalls which were only clipped on one side.

She was tatted, some of her tatoos included, roses dotted over her arms and either side of her neck, a fire truck under her collar bone, two red spider webs, one on her shoulder the other on her Elbow and the word 'mox'

She pulled off her helmet revealing short green and pink hair that swooped down infront of her face, The side of her head was shaved, showing off some Chrome David had never seen before.

Hunter simply gave him a nod as they walked through the crowd and sat down next to Dorio beginning to joke with her and pilar.

"He really brought her here?" Came the high pitched voice of Rebecca "unbelievable"

"Don't tell me your jealous, Becca" David said as he looked down at the girl

"Nope, not jealous at all" Rebecca replied puffing out one of her cheeks as she Folded her arms over her chest and looked away from them.

David chuckled as he said "then what's the problem?"

"Nothing, just this was supposed to be a Crew thing, I can understand if he came by himself, he's already considered an honorary member of the crew plus he's the go to ripper for myself, pilar and even Maine and Dorio, on top of that he saved your skin so he's entitled to at least a Drink from Maine but to bring her, she's just some techie from the Mox"

David raised an eyebrow at Rebecca before noticing she was Holding a second drink.

"Why do you have two Drinks?" David asked, Desperate to change the topic.

"Oh!" She said handing it to him "it's for you"

David smiled as he took it and looked at it curiously as he asked "is this carbonated?"

"I'll be seeing you later Dimples, buh-bye" was all Rebecca said as she toddled away, causing David to stare down at the lightly bubbling drink in his hand.

That's when a call from his principle came up which he answered.

"Mr. Martinez, hello again is this a good time?" The principle said "it sounds rather rowdy on your end"

"Uh yeah, but it's fine" David replied unsure as to why his ex principle was still calling him

"I trust you received the messages that I've left?" He asked.

"Yeah I got it"

"Exellent. Now about your apology to-"

That's when David cut him off "pass this along to katsuo for me, would you?"

"Er, perhaps it would be best if you were to-"

"If he wants revenge, tell that prick I'll be waiting, I'm done going easy, oh and you can all kiss my ass!"

He hung up the Call and took a breath before looking out at the crowd finding pilar and Lucy cuddled up on the hood of Pilar's piece of shit car.

Lucy seemed happy and relaxed with the tall slender man's arm around her.

His eyes scanned the crowd finding Maine cuddled up next to Dorio, Chatting with Hunter and the girl he brought with him and Rebecca sitting with Kiwi.

He sighed taking a few gulps from his cup before coughing at the taste.

It took him a few hours but when He finished his drink he got a ride back to his apartment with Pilar, who was still sober enough to drive.

David was in the back seat with a drunk Rebecca begging Pilar to stop of get take out which the older man adamantly refused, Lucy finding the whole thing amusing, David however, found the sight adorable, a smile plastered on his face as he watched her.

However, all too soon Pilar pulled up to his apartment causing David to say his goodbyes before Pilar sped off down the street.

The boy smiled as he walked up the stairs and landed face first on his couch, promptly falling asleep, and after the day he had, he needed it.

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