Chapter 14: Training

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-With David-

Once the the movie was finished they pulled the BD Wreaths off their heads and stretched out their stiff limbs before David Stood up, that was when he noticed the message Icon on his Holodeck.

"Hm?" He hummed as he opened it only to hear Lucy's voice as the message was read aloud to him "Hey-Heyo, you free tonight?"

He raised an eyebrow at the message, slightly skeptical due to the fact that she never messaged him, she barely spoke to him since they first met.

He sighed and replied.

"Ye-yeah I'm free, what's up?"

He closed the conversation as he looked to Becca who was stretched out on the couch watching him.

"Who was that?" She asked with a teasing tone before pouting at him "don't tell me you've got a girlfriend"

"What?!" He asked quickly before adding "of course not, it was just Lucy"

"What did she want?"

"Dunno" he stated with a light shrug "simply asked if I'm Free tonight"

"Ooh Dimples has got himself a Date" Becca Teased with a matching smile.

"Its not a date" David stated with a sigh "besides it seems she's more interested in your brother, given that she's been on him since the gig"

"They're not together" Becca stated but thought for a moment "I don't think so at least"

David shrugged at her as he went and grabbed a drink from the kitchen.

However he heard a can being cracked open in the lounge room causing him to poke his head around the corner into the lounge room.

Where Becca had moved into a sitting position and opened a can of beer.

"You brought beer?" He asked curiously, returning to the couch with a glass of water.

"Of course!" She stated taking a mouth full and swallowing it before belching "why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Just never thought you were the type to drink anywhere but your own apartment and the usual spots"

"There's a lot you don't know about me Dimples" Becca stated with a smirk.

"Like?" David stated with a smirk.

"Like how good my head is" Rebecca shot at him.

"Surely I could ask The Watson Reaper"

"It was one time!" She squealed before blinking "wait you know?!"

"I do now" David stated leaning back into the couch "wasn't hard to figure out though, given how you two bicker like an old married Couple"

She quickly placed her beer down before lunging at him, slamming the sides of her fists into him.

However he began laughing since the hits weren't hard enough to hurt.

She soon stopped before punching him in the shoulder causing him to hiss in pain as he said "Ow!"

"Watch that pretty mouth of yours Dimples" she stated looking down at him from her slightly raised position, her knees planted on his "wouldn't want anything to happen to you"

He remained silent, watching her watch him, he simply sat there mesmerized by the woman kneeling on his lap, a look of adoration in her Red and Green Cybernetic eyes.

The same ones that cost Hunter Drake, the Watson Reaperdoc, any chance at High end clients.

She smiled at him as she began to lean in towards him however she stopped herself and pulled away, looking at him again before patting his cheek and getting up off the boys lap as she said "I uh, I should probably go, if I'm not home soon Pilar will probably think I flat lined or something"

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