3. Questions and Appointments

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"What are you thinking of asking Agent when you meet him?" Riya asks. She's sitting in front of the couch with a steaming bowl of noodles and chicken on the coffee table in front of her. She's changed into her pajamas and leans lazily against the couch arm, studying me as I sit on the opposing couch.

"Questions that reporters usually ask," I answer. I lift my fork to my lips and blow gently on the steaming food. Glancing at the blank document that blinks on my laptop, I sigh. "That would be lame though, wouldn't it?"

"Not necessarily," Riya says. She switches the TV on and turns the volume down. "You can go by the book and also make up some of your own."

"But I don't even know how this whole interview is going to work," I say. "Professor Hadley didn't tell me anything apart from reminding me to call his secretary and review my questions with him." I shake my head. "It's a pain, honestly."

Riya snorts. "Welcome to college," she says and stabs her fork into a small piece of chicken. "Well, let's start with the personal questions then. What do you want to ask him?"

I hum thoughtfully. "Maybe about his background and personal interests? What got him into technology and how he views his accomplishments?"

"That's a good start!" Riya's briefly distracted by the newest episode of Family Feud, but when the commercials come on she focuses back on my assignment. "You could also ask him how he started his company and if his family helped him."

"Not a bad idea." I jot down the questions on my Google Doc. "But do you think he'd take it the wrong way?"

"Why? Because his dad's a criminal?" Riya shrugs. "He's an adult, Meera. It's not like he's going to fight you for the preservation of his dad's oh-so-pristine reputation."

"He is a well-known author," I grumble.

"Ask him if he's married," Chandini shouts as she comes down the hallway with her empty bowl. She has an earbud in one of her ears and is bobbing her head to the rap music that plays from her phone. "I'm curious as to which celebrity he's snagged this time."

"This time?" I frown. "What do you mean?"

"Read his Wikipedia page," she says. "You won't need an interview with him once you do."

"No, thanks," I reply. "Anybody can write what they want on Wikipedia. It's not a reliable source. And besides, I don't care about his personal life. Whatever he does in his free time is his business, not mine."

"It's also coveted public knowledge," Chandini gasps. "You have to find out, Meera, please! The sake of my gossip magazine is at risk."

"Start planning the funeral, then," I state dryly. "I'm there to interview him about his company, Chandini, not create a dating profile."

"Eh, he could use one," Riya says as another commercial rolls over her show. "That guy's been single for who knows how long! I'd like to see who he goes for next. Maybe I can finally figure out his type then."

"Gross," I hiss. "Why do you care so much about his dating life? He's a guy, get over it. There's plenty of them out there."

"Maybe, but none of them are as rich as Ezra Agent is," Chandini swoons. "He's on the rise to becoming part of the top five richest men in the world!"

"Wonderful," I mumble. "Then he must be old. Balding, even."

"While that is gross, I'd still go for him," Chandini says. She opens the pantry door and pulls out a packet of Oreos. "It's all about the money, sis." And she runs back to her room.

Riya clicks her tongue. "Upcoming gold digger, right there," she says with a laugh. "Poor Spencer. You think the poor guy can last even a day?"

I shrug and finish typing my questions. "He probably won't even last an hour with her," I say. I put the computer on the table and turn the computer towards her. "What do you think?"

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