37. The Realization

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"Leaving so soon?" Danielle catches my wrist and I halt. Drunkenly, she tries to pull me back to the dancefloor. "You and your boyfriend have a good time in the locker rooms?"

Panic pounds my heart. "Danielle, I have to go." I tug my wrist free from her grasp and rush through the crowd, ignoring her calls. Ezra's footsteps thump behind me and seem to rock the dancefloor. 

"Meera, what's going on?" He stops me at the door, his eyes brimming with concern. "Why are you running?"

"Chandini," I gasp, panting. My knees begin to wobble; God, I hope I don't fall now. "Something's wrong. Aceline just called..."

"Let's go." Ezra's face hardens and he brings me outside. The chilly spring air does little to calm my nerves, but I can't concentrate on anything except Chandini, and the possibilities of what could be occurring at home.

"I should have stayed," I mourn pathetically, still buckling my seatbelt as Ezra zips into traffic. "I shouldn't have gone to that stupid party..." I let my guard down for one second and the worst happens...I should have known better...

"There's no point in dwelling on the past," Ezra's harried voice scolds me. "You're human, Meera. You're allowed to enjoy yourself."

"Not when I have people relying on me," I snap loudly, unaware of the pitch that my tone has taken. "Chandini is my responsibility, not anyone else's."

"That may be so, but the more you worry, the more you'll find it harder to think rationally." Reluctantly, he stops at a red light and puts his hand on my chest, lightly pushing my back against the seat. "Shit, your heart is beating so fast! It's like it's going to rip from your chest!" He drags his hand down my thigh and clasps my left hand, which taps relentlessly on my leg. "Calm down, baby. Breathe, just breathe. We'll be there soon."

"I..." my voice cracks. Stress creates a thick, messy ball in my throat and blocks my airways. My chest shudders; how do you breathe again? "I...I'm fine." I swallow thickly. 

"Good, calm down." I have no idea how Ezra's so calm. It's not his sister that's probably dying, I tell myself. Then again, maybe he deals with a lot of problems on a daily basis.

We continue to race through the busy streets of the city; it's astonishing that a cop hasn't pulled us over at the rate that we're going. The flashy lights distract me from the doom that dwells in my apartment, waiting to sink its teeth into me the moment I get home. Or maybe it'll be nice and silence me with a heart attack, who knows?

The street leading to my rusty apartment is lonely. Ezra has no trouble getting to the front of the building. Together, we burst through the doors, ignoring the bellboy, and rush into the elevator before anyone else can join us. I'm pretty sure that I've killed the button from pressing it so many times. 

Inside my home, Chandini is on the couch, writhing and groaning and holding her belly. Aceline is beside her, dabbing a cold washcloth on her forehead and trying to get her to finish her food. 

"What's happening?" Like a bullet, I'm at Chandini's side, fumbling for her hand. She grabs it and squeezes me so tightly that I think she's snapped all of my nerves. 

"Hurt...can't..." she puffs and gasps, pinching her eyes shut. Her chest rises and falls like the lid of a pressure cooker. 

"The contractions have been getting worse," Aceline says. She stands behind me and has her hands on my shoulders, looking worriedly at Chandini. "It just started a few minutes ago and it's been on and off. Do you think the baby is coming?"

"I don't know..." I mumble. "It's too soon. She's only six months along?"

"The baby could be premature."

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