4. Meeting Ezra Agent

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Out of all of the days for my life to be a mess, it just so happens to be the day that I'm interviewing billionaire tycoon Ezra Agent.

It's bad enough that my alarm rings later than usual, meaning I had to scramble to get out of bed and begin preparing for the day. Even though my appointment is at six, I still have to get Chandini ready for school and finish up schoolwork as well as prepare my things for the interview later so that I'm not in as big of a rush as I am now. It's a bit weird, you must be thinking. Why is she getting so worked up now? Well, I'm a worrier. I live and feed off of anxiety. It's something that keeps me alive and kills me at the same time. If I don't prepare at the earliest possible moment, I'll be a mess. Then again, no matter how much I prepare, I won't be fully satisfied until the interview is complete.

Riya and Chandini are sitting in the kitchen when I finally stumble in for breakfast. They're watching on their respective phones and eating cereal, so they don't immediately notice me when I walk in.

"Somebody didn't set their alarm today," Riya says when I sit down. She glances at me with amusement dancing in her dark gaze. "What? You're not excited to meet the infamous Ezra Agent?"

"Infamous implies that he did something horrible to be famous. I think you mean famous," I say. I take a bigger-than-usual spoonful of oatmeal and shovel it into my mouth. "And I'm trying to control my excitement if you must know. Having high expectations makes you more likely to be underwhelmed by reality."

"So...you're saying that you're trying not to expect Agent as this hot billionaire tycoon?" Chandini smirks.

"No." I shovel another spoonful of oatmeal and toss the glass bowl into the sink, wincing when it clangs in the metallic ditch. "I just don't want to feel so uplifted when it's probably not such a big deal."

"Not a big deal?!" Chandini and Riya exclaim together. "You're interviewing an upcoming hotshot!" They look at each other and scowl. "Stop copying me!"

"I'm not listening to this again; I don't have the time," I snap impatiently. "Riya, come on, get the car ready. Chandini, did you correct your homework?"

"Yeah. Spencer helped me," Chandini responds haughtily. She sticks her tongue out at Riya's back as my cousin disappears into the hallway. "Can't Riya drop me off today? Why do I have to go with you?"

"Because Riya is dropping me first," I say, grabbing my printed questions and my bag. "It'll be too much to have her drop me then come home and do everything for you. She has class today."

"Film comparison, yay," Riya groans, coming back in proper outdoor clothes and the keys jangling in her hands. She trudges to the door, dragging Chandini by her hoodie. "Come on, squirt. Let's get going."


"You have everything that you need, right?"

Riya and I stand before Agent Tech's main building, stupefied by its glamor and height. In the early morning sun, the dew on the windows glistens and gives the tower a shimmery look to it, like God has blessed the technology and people.

"Yes, Riya." She sounds like my mother, but I know she means well. I clutch my bag close to my chest and take a heaving breath. My toes suddenly feel numb and I'm intimidated by the building. I've not even walked in yet!

"Your notes, camera, recorder?" Riya turns a deaf ear to my response and lists off her fingers. "You have your lunch and your ID? Your EpiPen if needed?"

"Got 'em all." I lift my ID up for her to see. "You can go now."

"Do you need help getting inside?" Riya titters nervously, tapping her foot like she's a tap dancer waiting for the music to start. "Are there steps? Did they say that there are steps for you to climb? Don't forget to tell them—!"

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