45. To Touch You One More Time

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"You sure you'll be fine getting home?" Felix asks. He leans on the window of his car as he speaks to Ezra, who's now taken the wheel of the comfy vehicle.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Ezra replies. He glances at me and starts the car. "Are you working tomorrow?"

"Nah, I took a day off," Felix says. "What about you, Ace?"

"I'll be home," she says, poking her head next to Felix's. She grins and ruffles my hair. "Get her home safe, okay big bro?"

"As if I'd ever put her in danger," Ezra scoffs.

"I'm literally right here," I mutter petulantly, annoyed that they're talking about me while acting like I'm not in front of them.

"Oi, buckle your seatbelt," Aceline scolds me and locks her fingers in my hair, pulling my head against the window.

"Ouch!" I yelp. "Aceline, fine! Let go!"

"Sure." She pushes my head back again and I practically tear my seatbelt from behind my seat, fumbling with the buckle. "See ya, you two."

"See you." Ezra shifts into drive and we're flying down the street toward Westfield. It's my dream place to live in and where all the rich folk stay. When I was younger and used to go to physical therapy, my Mum and I would have to pass through Westfield. She and I would always dream of buying a house there and pretending like we were rich.

"You like this place?" Ezra notices my distant gaze. "It's pretty, I'll admit, but the houses could use some renovation."

"It's much better than the shack I live in," I say, sighing longingly. "They're beautiful and clean, and you don't have to worry about hobos or street fights."

"I see..." Ezra flicks his flasher on. "Perhaps I'll buy a house here, then. You can touch it up however you like."

"Oh, no, it's fine." My cheeks flush. "You said you didn't like this place-!"

"I didn't say that."

"Well, your tone alluded so." A wistful smile falls on my lips. "Besides, what would the point of it be? You'd be wasting your money."

"If it's to make you happy, then I don't see it as a waste," Ezra says. He glances at the dashboard, then focuses on the street again. "Damn, it's taking longer than I thought to get to your house."

"It usually does," I say. "Er, do you mind if I call Chandini to check in on her?"

"By all means, go ahead."

"Thank you." I punch her number into the pad and lean my head against the cushy headrest as I wait for her to pick up the phone. I wish Mum's car had these seats; then I probably wouldn't have ended up with as much back pain as I struggle with now. 

"Hey, did you find anything?" She asks the moment she picks up the call. "Are you on your way?" 

"Yes, and yes," I respond. "We found it, but...E and K got there before us," I say, glancing at Ezra as I speak. He doesn't look like he's paying attention to me, though, and his eyes are cloudy like the sky we're driving under. He's lost in thought, I suppose, and the forlorn expression that his face is contorted in makes my heart feel uncomfortably tight. 

"Ah, that's a bummer," she says, thankfully catching onto who I was talking about. "How close are you to home?"

"We're in Westfield, but there's some traffic. We should be home in an hour or so. Why?"

"Nothing, just asking," she says. A voice in the background makes her hesitate, and my heart rate amps anxiously. 

"Is...is someone home with you?" I ask slowly, trying not to show her my concern. 

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