28. A New Year's Promise

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"New Year's where?"

I'm sitting on the couch, watching Chandini marvel at her gifts as she unwraps them one by one. Her squealing has gotten annoying, but at least she's happy with the new things that she's getting. Hopefully, she never finds out that some of them were from the dollar store.

"At Ezra's," Aceline tells me. "He didn't tell you about it?"

"No, not from what I remember."

"I thought he was at your house today?"

"He was, earlier." I glance at my hand. There's a beautiful, gold-chained necklace that's draped across my wrist. "Exchanging gifts."

"Do you like the bracelet?" Aceline asks. "I know you don't wear a lot of jewelry..."

"No, it's beautiful!" I gush. "Besides, it's sweet that he took the time to look for it." I don't feel like asking the price...I'll probably throw up.

"That's good, then. Whatever you gave Ezra, he's been cooped up in his room using it all morning."

"Oh, the marble track?"

"You...you gave him a marble track?"

"What?" My cheeks darken. "He mentioned he liked marbles once so I thought he'd like to build it..."

Aceline laughs. "I suppose you're right. He seems to be liking it, anyway." She pauses. "What about Chandini?"

I look through the curtain of hair that hangs loosely over my eyes. Chandini rips the wrapping paper off her last gift, a new game for our old PlayStation. She excitedly bounces on her knees and shows me the present (as if I don't know what it is), quietly squealing.

"Yeah, I think she's going to faint soon," I mutter, giving her a thumbs up. "But overall, she seems to be enjoying her stuff. What did you get?"

"Nothing big. Just some jewelry, clothes, and books."

"From Felix or Ezra?"

"Both, but I bet they had help," she says. "There's no way that those two idiots would know my size or style, even though they've lived their whole lives with me."

"Yeah..." I reminisce of the past week when Ezra and Felix both came to my door begging me to go shopping with them. "Anyway, when's this party and where?"

"At Ezra's penthouse," Aceline explains. "I'll come by to pick you up. Obviously, it's on the 31st."

"Of course..." I bite my lip contemplatively. "Er, there's no dress code, right?"

"Nah, just wear something pretty and comfortable," Aceline says with a snort. "We're gonna be staying up until midnight, Meera, and there's no way I can do that in a ball gown."

"That's fair." The microwave dings. Christmas breakfast is ready. "I'll see you next Saturday then, yeah?"

"Yeah, Merry Christmas!"

The week then proceeds to pass like a blur. Chandini spends her days lounging around or going out with Spencer. I continue to work, making up for the week that I was out, and occasionally I'll go out with Ezra. December 31st arrives quicker than I anticipated, and when Felix arrives to come to get us I'm still rummaging through my drawer for my shoes.

"Aceline got preoccupied at home," he says before I can ask. He's dressed immaculately, like his brother, no doubt. The shirt and jeans are simple, but reek of money, as does the blazer that he's wearing over his shoulders. He's the spitting image of Ezra. I can see why Riya was enchanted by him at our graduation party.

I finally borrow a pair of Chandini's shoes and follow Felix to his car. Chandini, who's been parading all day with Spencer, knocks out as soon as she buckles her seatbelt. Felix and I are left sitting in awkward silence, glancing at each other every now and then.

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