22. Pitfall

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"You're in a good mood," Aceline notices cheekily. She peers at me over the thin, short wall that separates our desks. "I bet I can guess why. Wanna bet?"

"I'm fine," I respond, blinking wildly to dispel the daydream that I was caught in. "And you'd win that bet easily. I'm not wasting money on something that I'll probably lose."

"That's fair." Aceline tugs the wall down and scoots her seat closer to her desk. "So, how's life?"

"As putrid and bleak as always," I say, giving her a half-lidded, unimpressed look. "Don't you have work to do?"

"Don't you have details to tell me?" Aceline shoots back. "Meera, you're dating my brother, aka, the grumpy troll who locks himself in his office all day." She smirks when she notices me smile. "I can't say that I agree with your choice in men, because Ezra can be such a pain sometimes, but he's also my brother, and you're my best friend. I have to know the details!" She clasps her hands together in a bunch. "Please? Ezra won't tell me anything."

"Cute," I mutter in response to her plea. "There isn't much to tell, honestly-!"

"Don't even try to play that trick on me," Aceline interrupts. "I can see how dark your cheeks are becoming, Meera. Things have happened, and I want to know. It's my duty as your friend to annoy you until it comes out."

"Is there a mute button?" I scoff. Aceline glares at me, unamused, and I laugh. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you some things."

"Yes!" Aceline succeeds in slamming the wall between us to the ground and leans on her elbows like an eager puppy. "Okay, you can start."

I purse my lips. "After our museum date, things have been...nice," I say. "I haven't been in a relationship in a while, and it's nice to be with someone as affectionate as Ezra."

Aceline snorts. "Ezra? Affectionate? Girl, what clone did you switch my bro for?"

"I'm serious!" I insist. "Whenever I see him he's always very touchy and loving. It was surprising at first, but now I'm starting to understand it more. I..." I hesitate. "I guess I'm learning to be more open with my feelings?"

"In a relationship, being open is a must," Aceline says, nodding sagely. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, though." She pauses, her finger brushing her chin. "You know, he's never been like that before."

"Like what?" I open a bottle of water to try and drown the beginnings of fiery desire that prickles in my stomach.

"Affectionate," Aceline hums. She stares at the dim light that hangs above my head, her gaze misty. "Of course, he's affectionate with Felix and me, but never with anyone else. As far as I can remember, he was pretty cordial with our aunt, and when he was married, he seemed more closed-off than ever." She shrugged. "I suppose it's because you're the first woman he's truly loved in a long time."

"Then why was he married before?" I frown. "Surely, he must've loved them to marry them."

Again, Aceline shrugs. "I don't know. Ezra doesn't talk about his ex-wives. From what I remember, the first divorce wasn't as bad as the second." She wrinkles her nose. "That was as nasty as two dogs in a fight. But, regardless, he's happy now, and that's all I care about."

"Yeah..." Now I'm the one lost in thought. On one hand, I'm happy to be able to discuss my blossoming relationship with someone other than Riya (and Chandini could care less about it), especially because Aceline grew up with Ezra, but on the other, I'm anxious. Because she's been in his life for so long, Aceline knows more about Ezra than I do and will probably know more than I will ever know about him. He's been honest in our relationship, but at the same time, he hasn't spoken a lot about his past. I can understand if it's painful, but I can't help my curiosity. Obviously, I could as Aceline, but doing that feels like I'm cheating.

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