14. Goodbye Riya

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"The witch is finally leaving," Chandini mutters as we watch Riya run around the apartment, gathering her things at the last minute and checking multiple times to make sure that her outfit looks good enough for the passengers on her flight.

I'm inclined to agree with Chandini, but my moral compass and adult brain prevent me from saying so. It would only serve to boost her ego if I agree with her, anyway.

"I can't find my passport! Meera!" Riya screeches from my bedroom, probably looking through my things to see if I have a ratty headband she can wear. Riya never trusts the airport security with her precious, expensive items. I can't say that I blame her, though.

Flicking through the channels while also scrolling through Linkedin, I sigh. "Did you check your pocket?" I yell back.

"It's not there!" Riya wails, stomping into the living room. "Where the fuck could it be? It has to be here somewhere!"

"I don't know where you could have kept it, Riya," I say. "It's not my passport. I told you last night to put it in your bag before-!"

"My bag!" Riya interrupts me with a shout. A lightbulb seems to have finally buzzed in her head and she dashes for the luggage by the door. "It has to be here!"

"She needs to check her head for holes," Chandini mutters. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and purses her lips. "Hey, Meera, do you think we can go to Spencer's house one day?


"To meet his family for dinner," she responds. "You know, like how he did with us."

Riya and I meet each other's eyes and simultaneously wince. We don't talk about that night anymore, and conversations about jobs have a pin put through them since they're still a touchy subject, especially since I'm not finding any jobs. I haven't told Riya of Aceline's job offer yet, and I'm not sure if I will. Being that it's her last day here and she's already stressed, she'd probably blow up on me if I decide to tell her now.

"Why do I have to come, though?" I put my laptop aside and raise my arms. Chandini bends down and helps me to my feet. "Isn't meeting the parents something only the girlfriend does?"

"Well, yes, but Spencer's family is...wealthy." Chandini grimaces. "They want to meet my family too...I guess to see if our social standing is okay enough for me to date their son."

"Pfft, forget it, then," I scoff and brush some dandruff from her hair. "You'll have no chance with that boy if I come along. They'll reject you for sure."

"That's very positive, Meera," Riya drawls from the kitchen.

"I'm just being realistic," I defend myself, but when I notice the disappointed droop in Chandini's posture and the clouds that nullify her sparkling gaze, I repent. "If it means that much to you, though...then I guess we can try and find a date to meet them..."

"It does! Thanks!" Chandini jumps up, delight highlighting her soft features. She hugs me tightly and then darts out the door; I can hear her apologizing to our neighbors as she dashes to the elevator.

"You made her day," Riya says, waving her discovered passport in my face as she trudges into the living room. "Good to see some of the pessimism being converted. Keep it up, and you'll be a perfect addition to Aceline's friend's business if her friend is anything like her."

"How do you know about that?" I look up from tapping my boots against one another. "I never told you about it - were you listening to me talk in my sleep again?"

"Since when do you talk in your sleep?" Riya frowns, thinking briefly, then shrugs and smirks. "I was with Felix the whole night, cuz. He talks more when you get to know him...or convince him." She pulls out a tube of lipstick from her purse and brushes the stubby tip over her mouth.

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