40. Erika's Confrontation

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"This is a mess," Chandini sighs. She sits beside me with a pile of books balancing on her belly. The first book opens to a blank page and she writes furiously on the torn sheet. "What the hell is wrong with your boss, sis?"

"I don't know," I mutter, barely able to concentrate on the television. The newscast drones incessantly about the strife between SmartLet and Agent Tech. Since I suppose, this is Ezra's first controversy, the public is very keen to see how the impending battle will play out. The knowledge of Ezra's history or professional life is not very public; this is the time for the paparazzi to shine.

"Supposedly she's Aceline's best friend too." Chandini rolls her eyes. "Some best friend."

"The law is the law. You can't alter it to suit your needs."

"Do you seriously believe that Ezra would do something that despicable?" Chandini scoffs. "Obviously, Kaylee is lying. I always got a weird vibe from her, anyway."

"I don't doubt Ezra's honesty," I say. "But the stats don't lie. It's pretty blatantly obvious that the money has been coming from Agent Tech."

"That doesn't mean that Ezra's involved." Chandini points to the screen with her pen, which is currently displaying a short clip of Ezra and I together on one of our dates. The news reporter who speaks while the B-roll plays questions the audience as to my whereabouts and what my role in the affair is. Somehow, they've managed to find out my employment and begin to theorize my involvement in the embezzlement.

"I hate the media," I hiss, grabbing my phone. The images that they show on the screen bring back faint memories of the best moments of my life, and it's not something that I'm fond of remembering. My heart has a scratch that's become worse and worse as the days have gone by. He's left a mark that I can never erase, although I wouldn't erase it if I had a choice.

"They're like leeches," Chandini agrees. "Or stalkers, I guess. They're like those guys in a war that deflect to the side that pays them the most."

"A mercenary?"

"Yeah, a mercenary."

The images switch abruptly, showing short clips of B-roll taken from inside Ashleigh's office at SmartLet. It's tidy and simple; evidently, these clips are old. Presently, Ashleigh's office is far from neat and organized. Ashleigh herself is a wreck, not only from the money she's lost but also from the friend that's left her.

"Damn, somebody looks worse for wear," Chandini notes, wincing when a video taken of Ezra and Asheigh's first court meeting arrives. Both the CEOs are frazzled, but my attention is swept away from my boss to my ex-boyfriend; to the dark circles under his eyes, the lackluster color of his skin, and the limp figure of his body that trudges down the sun-pelted, sleek steps. He's a shadow of the man I once knew; the strong, glowing figure that would fearlessly lead interviews and business meetings. He's changed, and I don't like it, not one bit.

My hand twitches and the phone that lies on my leg seems to move closer to my chest. It's inviting me; do I risk calling the past?

Chandini side-eyes me. "You know," she says quietly. "Ezra supported you when you were at your lowest. No matter what he had going on, he would always put you first."

"I know," I say briskly, my acidic attitude more toward myself than toward my sister. "He...he did help a lot..."

She nods. "Don't you think that you should do the same?"

"I..." whatever I say, it'll be used against me, so I keep my mouth shut. After a few seconds, Chandini sighs and changes the channel, focusing on her mind-bending TV show as she continues to scribble on her notepad.

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