31. An Explanation From Ezra

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Erika?! My brain fritzes like a broken computer, probably because it's overheated from trying to comprehend the situation. Erika? As in, alcohol-obsessed, maniacal Erika? I shake my head. No, Meera, be nice. It's not nice to call someone that...but...

"It's been a while," Ezra continues frostily, his stare fixated on the space behind Erika. He steps forward and she takes a step back. "How have you been?"

"Fine..." Erika's voice cracks. Her hair hits my shoulder as she whips her head from side to side. What is she looking for? An escape route?

"Are you?" Ezra's tactical gaze assesses her coldly. "You look...dazed."

"Why do you care?" Erika snaps. "You didn't care before, when you were my husband." She returns his glare and there's a burning steadiness in her eyes. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Walking?" Ezra raises an eyebrow quizzically. "I believe the sidewalk is open to anyone, isn't it?" He glances at Marcello, who hesitantly nods and slinks behind Ezra's shadow. I can't say that I blame him; I'm right in the middle of these two exes and all I want to do is get away from there. Plus, it's cold, and I'm pretty sure that my fingers are frostbitten.

"Whatever." Erika fumbles with her bags and a bottle tips dangerously close to the edge. Lunging, I grab it before it can fall. "Oh!"

"Be careful," I say, aware of Ezra's cold eyes transferring to me. "Do you need help going home, Erika?"

"No, I'll be fine," Erika responds shortly. She glares at Ezra, then nods at me and walks away. Her boots chafe against the smooth sidewalk and disappear behind the glamourous, shimmering city lights.

Well...that was shorter than I thought it would be, I scoff mentally. I thought it would become a huge, blown-up thing like in movies - I guess not.

"I'm...gonna head home," Marcello says. His voice is like a pick-axe cutting into the thick, icy block of tension that surrounds the grocery store. Both Ezra and I turn to him as he begins to retreat toward Shawn, who I've now realized has been standing behind us by a sleek, dark car, seemingly lost in thought.

"Will you check up on the Berlin progress?" Ezra asks him.

"Yeah, I'll take it up with Candy and see what she says about it." Marcello waves, giving me a two-fingered salute and wink before he begins to jog down the street. I have to admit, it's amusing watching an adult in an expensive suit run down the sidewalk like a child.

"Meera." Ezra reaches for my wrist. "I'm...I'm sorry."

I blink. "Sorry? For what?"

"For what you just saw," Ezra explains. "I should have told you earlier about Erika...I should have been more open about my past relationships but I didn't want to ruin my chances with you..."

"It's fine." I shrug. "You didn't ask about my relationship before, so we're even. Besides, you don't have to feel pressured to share anything with me. I can tell that Erika is...a lot."

"Oh, you have no idea." Ezra kisses my knuckles and gestures to his car. "Care for a ride home?"

"With you? Sure." I grin, allowing him to help me inside the car. He follows and waits for Shawn to enter the driver's side.

"Where to, sir?" Shawn looks at Ezra through the rearview mirror.

Ezra hesitates. He regards me shyly, silently prodding me to reply. I have to hold back my laughter. He's so cute when he's embarrassed, I muse.

"25th street," I tell Shawn. "It's in Avenelle."

"Alright." Shawn pulls the car into the light traffic of the late evening and puts two thin earbuds into his ears. I wonder what music he's listening to.

Us Against the Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें