6. Waking up is hard to do

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Day 1. Friday morning. Part 1

A Vampires POV

    I was told that I would be taking care of a new student today. I was told that he is a special case. I was told that he would need "some looking after". But when I asked what his classification was, I was told. "You don't need to know. Just treat him the way he acts at the time. And whatever you do, do not touch his bear unless you ask permission first."

Teddybear? Ok, so he's a little. I could deal with that. Not my first choice. I prefer a pet myself. But when the headmistress tells you to look after someone, you do it.

I was expecting to go to the dorms that housed new students. But she told me to go down one floor to room 222. Special case indeed. No new students, especially a Little, would have their own room. I walked down one flight of stairs and found room 222. None of our dorm rooms have locks on them, but it's currently to knock before entering someone else's room. I knocked but got no answer. Knowing that this new student was a Little I figured he had slept in.

I slowly opened the door and called out letting this new kid I was coming in. Still I got no response. I walked in only to find that the room was basically empty. A chair was moved next to the kitchen sink and there was an empty box sitting on the coffee table, but that was it. If this kid was a Little and alone I would have thought there would be a mess. But nothing except for the chair was out of place.

In a room where there's a Little staying the bathroom door is normally locked. But this bathroom door had no lock on it. I opened that door to see the bathroom was in perfect order. It looked like no one has even gone in there. Odd, but not uncommon.

After shutting that door I went to the only other door and tapped on it. Still no answer. Maybe I was in the wrong room? I opened the door anyway and what I saw was not so odd. A normal bed and near it a crib. The only odd thing about that was, the bars to the crib were up not down. When the cleaners go through a room the bars are always down. The other odd thing was, both beads were made up.

I walked into the room a little farther and noticed that the blankets in the crib were moving. I walked over to the crib and saw two lumps side by side. One moving and the other not. Ok, so a really short Little? This kid was the size of a little kid. Not normal at all. No one under 16 was supposed to be here. And from the look of it, this kid might be 7 or 8 at most.

I reached down and stroked the lump that was moving. "Time to wake up little one." It moved under my touch but didn't wake him up. I kept up the rubbing and said a little louder. "Come on little one, it's time to wake up for the day." That got a response. A small growl. Not a kid's growl either. It sounded like a cat's growl. I tried a third time and finally got a verbal response.

"No Morph. I still tired. Pees." Did this kid just say Morph? As in Morpheus? As in doctor Morpheus? That name was very well known explicitly around here. There were a lot of rumors about him. Most of them were good, but one was really bad. According to rumors he had gotten a Little killed somehow. I didn't believe that one, but a lot of people did. If this kid has anything to do with Morpheus I had better be prepared for anything. Dot all my I's and cross all my T's.

I pulled back the covers.

Now I just said to myself that I should be prepared for anything. But what I wasn't prepared for was a little boy hugging a bear about half his size. I was also not prepared for that same boy to have cat ears. At first, I thought they were fake ears like some of the pets around my old campus has. That is until it twitched. Moving the covers all the way off this boy and his bear I found something else I wasn't expecting. An orange and black striped tail moving around.

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