Another Election

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Let the lore begin...

Since the capitol of Las Aminour has been destroyed, the presidency is now held in the new capitol of Ariororon. While still makeshift, it looks like to could be grander than Las Aminour.

"Yes... as your president... I will be your president by helping take over the debate of the Citadel of Stone. So the countries can coexist."

"Such as what debate?" Karcon snarles.

"Ah, my party has placed a candidate into your elections."

"As leader and nephew of James Bronzeheart, I am ruler of the Citadel. So please, explain further."

"The Citadel of Stone has long since been democratic, and their elections were yesterday. So deliver the results of its election."

"You want to take us over?"

"You are not president," Tonberri states.

"It sounds like the two of you are planning a hostile take-over."

"With both our kings dead, the elections need to be revealed." Tonberri growls. "Until then, you cannot speak for the Citadel."

"But I am king of the Citadel of Stone. I am the blood king."

"Except you stated that there would be an election. Are you saying that your people are subject to a rule of a tyrant, who refuses to give his people a say in democracy?"

"It was in the rules that nobody from Las Aminour can lead the Citadel."

"I am Tonberri, a long-standing akki from the Citadel. And the laws state that you cannot speak for a country you do not rule over. Until the results are given, you are nothing but a politician."

Arón summoned the results out of Karcon's pockets, and read aloud.

"Of the citizens that have voted, Karcon Bronzeheart received 41.7% of the votes. And my party's very own Tonberri the Akki received the majority of 58.3%!"

The people of Las Aminour clapped as they heard that no more akki wars would exist. Karcon growled, and jumped up onto the stage to grab the results away.

"The two of you cheated!" He pointed at Arón, then at Tonberri. "People who never existed before voted for you!"

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