Deciphering the Prophecy

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"And who are the other two people then? The 'villain' and the 'homeless one'?"

"I'm... not sure yet. But you are the legendary wanderer. Everyone knows the name of Renhetsbad... the Keeper of Purity." Aiden says, with hope in his eyes.

"Oh. I haven't heard anyone call me that in a while."

"Because no one has heard from you in a long time," Aiden says, drawing strings from the air. "Your appearance here in Ariororon is no coincidence: you are the wanderer."

"I'm not sure about the others, but count me on board. I hate governments, tyrannical or not."

"And you, good-hearted serpent, will you join us in searching for the villain and the homeless one?"

"Sure, I'll help out." Ohsus replies. "I'll try to be of assistance, Facilitator Aiden."

Then, a sound like thunder comes out from what seems like everywhere. Aiden looks at everyone. "It's turning night. We have to leave soon."

"Why do we have to leave at night?" Renhetsbad asks. "Like a curfew?"

"Because, that's just what the mayor declared... right before he disappeared," Aiden replies ominously. Everyone begins packing up and leaving. "Kind of like a curfew, but worse. The people that stay after nightfall go missing."

"Missing, huh?"

"Yes, good men, even. People who know where the emergence exits are don't come out."

"That's terrible," Ohsus comments. "Why do you think they disappear? Could it be a group of people or even a large beast?"

"Yeah, sure. It's probably just the mayor trying to scare the civilians into submission."

"I was thinking more of kidnapping them, possibly bringing them somewhere for interrogation or to force them in labor." Ohsus says after closing his satchel. "Though Aiden may have a better explanation... right?"

"You can't possibly stay behind. If you do, then whatever happened to the others will happen to you. And we cannot lose you, especially, Renhetsbad."

"I'm calling the lie, there is nothing down here and I'm going to prove it. And even if there is, I'm going to bring an end to whatever it may be."

"If you die, then who will possibly stop the tyrant Arón Firehand? Without you, who are we?"

"Yourself?" Renhetsbad replies, as she moves into the city. Ohsus, reluctantly, follows her.

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