The Underground City

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The next morning, the yoriki and samurai sweep the streets and move everyone out of the alleyways. "Down into the sewers you go."

Ohsus awakes, and comes across another yoriki to ask. "Excuse me? Can you give directions to the president? I have a message to give him."

"Sure, and I'm Alex the Blade. Get moving with he rest of the homeless." The samurai says, resting his hand on his odachi. "Unless you'd like to go down another avenue."

"Understood, Alex," Ohsus replies, going with the group. He quickly slides the letter in a satchel he brought, to keep it from getting ruined or getting snatched away.

After a while of walking through the sewers, and other groups of homeless joining to make a big group, the group stops at a dead end. And then the wall opens up to reveal a sprawling underground city.

Ohsus looks around with thoughts running through his head about this underground city.

The homeless feel at home here, and more at ease than they were when they were on the streets among the yoriki and the samurai. Free vendors and inns scatter the makeshift streets among the broken down buildings that seem to be made from scratch.

Ohsus begins searching for someone that knows the direction to the president's place, hoping to at least get clear directions to deliver the message he keeps. He finds a vendor who gives him a decently drawn map of Ariororon with the president's map marked.

"Thank you, kind person. I can't thank you enough." Ohsus says, leaving eight doubloons for the vendor as a gift.

"We don't use money down here," the vendor replies. "We see it as a useless commodity that only benefits the rich."

"Oh. Keep it anyway. You may not know when you can use it for something," Ohsus says quickly.

Renhetsbad, who had the notion to follow the homeless this time, wanders the newfound city that the homeless seem to treat as home.

The makeshift buildings lok. like they're about to defy gravity and fall over at any moment, and the people there look poorer than poor. The taverns and vendors require no gold for some reason, but this is a poor person's heaven, giving them hospitals, homes, etc.

Renhetsbad decides to go to a tavern for some food, and finds a Gilded Demon just down the street from where she was standing.

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