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After a moment, the samurai went on. "And what did you see while you escaped?"

"A white light, and then a huge group of people walking like penguins. I joined the soot covered faces and ended up in Ariororon."

The samurai looks like he's going to say something about a huge group of people walking like penguins, but changes his mind. "Where did you get the scepter pendant?"

"I followed a voice, and then Dalabrac told me to show it to the guards."

"You followed a voice?"

"We'll, who I heard was not who he said he was, but yes. I followed a voice. It told me that there was something in the Conclave's old headquarters." Simon explained.

"Who did he say he was?"

"He said he was a mad god."

"A mad god?" This visibly confuses the samurai. "You do know?"

"I was recently informed that 'mad god' was Aaron's nickname. But he's dead so it could have just been a random person, or I'm just crazy." Simon says, smiling a bit but it's not visible in the dark.

"I see," the samurai says, shuffling to try and leave. He opens the door, and stretched out. "I will inform the president of what conspired here and he will decide your fate."

The samurai leaves, and a few minutes later, the door opens and the samurai lets Simon out. "And his application to the Conclave, sir president?"

"What did you find our with the pendant?"

The yoriki enters the room, finishing up with the examination. "The pendant is the real deal, divination spells reveal that it was given to him by Dalabrac. He knew the password."

"Very well, let him go free... we shall keep the pendant for more clues..." Arón responds.

"Is the Conclave really back?" Simon asks out loud.

"It could be... I'm just not sure..."

"I use to be part of the Conclave," Simon offers.

"I'll be back, I'm going to my office... to search my map for a certain location..."

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