Prisoner DM22

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The next morning, Teff and Ghosthand are chatting cheerily when Simon wakes up. Simon sighs a big sigh, and starts getting ready for the day.

"Ah, Simon. I was just chatting with your new roommate." Teff says, standing up. "How have you been?"

"Better than I was yesterday." Simon pours himself a mug of coffee.

"And I'm sure that's better than the day before. Not, there is something I need you to help me with, son. Something... high security."

"You know, I've never said no before, dad." Simon says.

"Ghosthand, Simon will need your unique set of abilities for this as well." Teff says, looking at the ghostly time lord.

"I'm always ready to help," Ghosthand says cheerily.

"Now, Arón is having a prisoner only known as Prisoner DM22 moved through Ariororon tonight, which is going to be the only time we have to be able to save him."

"So we don't know who we are reaching, just harbouring a fugitive?"

"I know who you're rescuing, but you wouldn't even if I tell you." Teff gets up, and jumps out the window.

Ghosthand laughs. "What a funny guy."

"At times, you start questioning why you do as he says," Simon sighs.

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