The Yoriki's Katana

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Renhetsbad inspects the weapon that she had stolen, indicating its worth. She intends to sell it to make some money to purchase food.

She casts determine object, and knows its value. It is a yoriki's katana made of silver, which has salt sprinkled into the liquid form at forging: this is so it works against lycanthropes and spirits. Estimated worth is 10 doubloons and seven pieces in a regular market, but a higher price could be argued in the black market.

Searching to find the black market, Renhetsbad searches for a tavern, as they are a good place to try and find information. She goes down the street, obviously concealing the weapon. The first tavern she finds is the Gilded Demon, a tavern she has conveniently seen in many towns, but hadn't noticed until now.

It can't be a chain of taverns, Renhetsbad thinks. They all look the exact same... and that's the same dragonkin bartender!

Despite her best intentions, she determines this is the best place to start. She searches the interior for anyone that might have a connection to the black market.

A man in a dark green hood, hides in a corner of the tavern, writing down every item the dwarf next to him shows him. He takes note of how useful they could be and their worth. Without speaking, she decides to dump the weapon on the table they sat at, then await a response.

The dwarf looks up at Renhetsbad. "I think I've seen ye before. Have ye been in th' Distant Tundra recently?"

The man looks over at the sword. "Now that looks familiar. A yoriki's sword, only produced by one blacksmith, only sold to the guards. Now how did you get your hands on that?"

She stares them both down, not in an aggressive way, though. She shows no obvious emotions, and asks them simply, "How much?"

"I'd pay 11 doubloons for it," the dwarf replies.

"11 doubloons with the adage of danger, so 15 doubloons. It's gonna be a hassle for the holder to hide such a weapon from the guards." Renhetsbad takes the 15 doubloons in exchange for the katana and buys 10 doubloons worth of rations.

Heskan packs it up, and hands it to her. "If any samurai come into my tavern and shut it down, I'm pointing them to you."

She goes out and searches the alleyways, looking for the homeless to share her rations with them. However, the homeless have seemingly disappeared, and she can't find any of them.

Where could they all have disappeared to? Renhetsbad thought.

Renhetsbad wanders about the town, offering rations to anyone who might need them.

One of the richer citizens chuckles. "Looks like you need it more than they do, wench."

Renhetsbad dashes toward him, and materializes a dagger out of the chaos magic she had created herself, wrestles him to the ground, and cuts his tongue out. She then loots him, and disappears into the crowd. This is a regular thing to see in the streets, clearly, as the people don't even flinch.

The man, unconscious, is jailed because the guards mistook him for on of the poor and the homeless.

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