Keeper of Purity

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The capitol of Ariororon shines with a new day, the gates open wide, and outside stands a traveler everyone knows as Renhetsbad.

She enters the capitol gates, not really making a scene or anything, just looking around for a market in search of a vendor selling flowers. However, not many of the venders of Ariororon sell flowers. But those that do offer a wide variety of bouquets.

Renhetsbad wanders about, sniffing flowers regardless if it is allowed or not. She has no intention of buying any flowers and continues on. For Ariororon is large, and there are plenty of things to do. Renhetsbad doesn't use money, and looks for a dry place to sleep for the night, starting to look in the alleyways.

She quickly finds that the homeless population is rampant, since no one has cared to create free housing. Otherwise, the alleyways of Ariororon are well kempt and seem clean and dry.

The next morning, the yoriki walk through the streets, nudging the people in the alley to get up and get out. However, Renhetsbad is still sleepy and not ready to get up.

The yoriki nudge Renhetsbad again. "Come on, homeless one. Time to move about and get off of the streets. The people need to get moving about through here soon."

"I refuse," Renhetsbad replied. "I am still tired, pig!"

The lead yoriki draws his katana. "You w9ill take that insult back, and leave the streets at once."

"Or what?" Renhetsbad asks in a sarcastic tone.

"If you do not take your insult and your carcass out of this alley," the yoriki says. "I will send you to the prison... or worse."

Renhetsbad makes a quick movement, shooting a witch bolt at the guard. It stuns him, which gives her a chance to grab his sword and make a break for it. The yoriki pause for a second, surprised, but then begin the chase. The guards quickly slow down, and eventually fade into the people that are filling the streets of Ariororon.

The Nation of Las AminourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora