The Citadel of Stone

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"If I can't have the Citadel, then no one can!" Karcon shouted, drawing his gladius. Arón waves his hand, and the sword disappears.

"This actually sounds recognisable," Arón comments, and waves his other hand. A mirage of Tonberri appeared of him standing in the sewers.

"I need those votes," Tonberri was saying. "Karcon is a tyrant. If he's re-elected to king, he's going to do what Aaron Firehand did and destroy the Citadel. If I am elected, I can avoid that from ever happening again."

"That's a lie!" Karcon snapped. "I would never destroy the Citadel. It's my home too! And you... you, Tonberri, are no ruler of the Citadel."

"If he was elected as king, then king he shall be!" says a voice from the crowd, and everyone turns to look. Simon Ulcrates stands before them, with pixelation coming off of his cape. A laser gun hangs on his belt. "The Citadel does not belong to one sole person, it belongs to a people. Meaning that it is one of us."

"I built the Citadel as a rallying point for the akki, and Aaron Firehand with his Las Aminour wanted to take that away. As if he didn't break the rules to take what he wanted."

"Aaron Firehand was a troubled mind," Simon admitted. "Having seen and committed the mass genocide on the time lords. But it was for the greater good. If he hadn't, where would you be right now, little goblin. A misplaced time lord built something good, just like you wanted to. Even if you don't see it that way."

"It belonged to my family for generations! James Bronzeheart found it, and Zautso Bronzeheart took refuge there on his first night on Doomcolt. How can I give up my ancestral home."

"By learning selflessness. It is hard for an akki to do, but it is possible."

"The Citadel will always belong to the Bronzehearts!"

"But it was not yours. After the Lesser Wars, Aaron once told me, Genrikh Gorbachev gave the Citadel to Las Aminour to keep as a war monument. When the akki moved in, Aaron saw it as a desecration of the monument. That was why he had to do something."

"This has gone on for long enough," Tonberri stated. "Karcon Bronzeheart, for your crimes of trying to hide the election results I hereby exile you from the Citadel of Stone."

"And from Las Aminour." Arón says, grinning ear from ear.

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