The Mad God

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After being released, Simon hacks the fantasy ATM to pay for a motel room and a nice meal.

When he enters the room, the Mad God sits there, waiting on the table inside.

"So you are real," Simon says, closing the door. "Are you really Aaron?"

"No, I am not Aaron." The Mad God stands up. "However, there is something you should know before we go on. Simon, I am... was your father.

"Simon stares confused at the Mad God. "Was? I-I don't even remember you."

"You wouldn't. It's been about three years since I died at the old ranch in the Outskirts of the Darkness. But then I woke up, lying on the ground, with my gravestone above my head. When I got into town, the news was abuzz with news about the capitol being gone..."

"Well, if you've come for information, I've been gone for a year as well, so I can't explain to you what happened." Simon says, putting his coat down on the bed. "How did you know I would choose this motel and this exact room?"

"When I woke up, I could hear all these whispers in my mind, telling me to go this way, then that way. When I entered the capitol the other day, the voices halted to a dead stop. It almost sounded like... I can't remember. Somebody that I used to know."

"Well, that makes one of us." Now that Simon knows that the Mad God was not just a voice in his head, he seems relieved.

"Anyways, the choices said that the Battle of Las Aminour could have been stopped if there was a special task force that was trained to deal with world shattering events, and they whispered names to my mind, so many names. And yours was one of them."

Simon chuckles. "Like superheroes? Yeah, those voices can't call me a hero, not anymore."

"Not heroes. The Battle of Las Aminour shows us even heroes can create problems for people: Aaron Firehand was no villain. The Battle of Las Aminour, and the voices, show us that we need people with the darkness inside of them to save the world. They shows us that we need villains to save the world."

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