The landing

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Night fell as Tails was still driving the plane away from starfall islands.

"Are we there yet?" Moaned sonic.

"This is the 347th time you asked Sonic. Chill! We're almost there." snapped Tails.

"Have you really been counting?" He turned to Tails with confused amazement.

"It's kind of automatic." Tails realized.

After a while they landed at the base. Everyone was too tired to get back to their homes so they chose to sleep there.

The next day, everyone woke up exhausted. Amy was making breakfast.

Tails entered his room, closed the door behind him and all you can hear is a typing keyboard.

"Hey buddy! Breakfast is getting cold. What are you doing on the computer at such an early hour anyway?" Asked Sonic knocking on the door.

"Coming!" Said a very focused Tails.

After a while, the team ate without him. Knuckles left to get back to the master emerald.

"Tails ! What is it that's so important that you left breakfast. Amy made waffles!" Sonic enterd Tails room with a plate in hand.

"Mmhm." Tails nodded so focused on his screen.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Asked Sonic.

"Yeah yeah. Just put it on the table there." Tails pointed at the desk beside him.

"Okay? ... So when are you leaving?" Asked Sonic putting his head in front of the screen.

"I thought I should do something for you guys before I leave. I was trying to hack Eggman's base network so you won't need my help figuring out his plans." Explained Tails.

"So what's taking so long? It's usually the slow loading bar that holds you back. And increases the tension." Sonic asked.

"Eggman seemed to update his firewall. This thing changes to an 8 digit passcode every few seconds. Hacking it is almost impossible." Sighed Tails.

"He must be hiding something important then. Well, not gonna disturb you any longer. Do your thing buddy!" Sonic walked out of the room.

As he was walking into the hallway, he bumped into someone.

"BIG ?! How in the chili dogs are you here ?" He jumped.

"Oh Sonic! I just came back from my fishing spot." Big called.

They heard the sound of soft crying from Amy's room.

"Well. Gotta check on that. C ya." Sonic dragged himself to Amy's room.

He found her weaping on her bed.

"What's the matter Amy?" He asked unwillingly.

"Oh it's nothing, it's stupid really!" She sniffed wiping away her tears.

"Whenever I hear someone say that, the next thing I hear is something deep." Sonic encouraged , still not so sure of what he's doing.

"Have you ever felt like your dream was never meant to be? Or that you feel bland or flat?" She asked curling herself up.

"Nope! Never felt that." Sonic beamed.

"Have you ?" He changed his attitude.

"It's just, there's never peace in this world. There has to be something to disturb it." She sniffed.

"If there was peace, imagine how boring life would be. Egghead won't bother us anymore and our jobs would be done!" Sonic argued.

"Well... Maybe you're right about that one." She sighed.

"And the other?" Asked Sonic.

"If you are speed, Tails is the smarts , knuckles is the strength then what am I?" She asked.

"... Hope! You are the first person to say something in the lines of think positive or calm down or everything is okay." He mentioned.

"You think so?" She looked at sonic hopefully.

"Yeah sure. Well, keep that positivity up cuz we'd all be tense without it. Gotta run." Said Sonic as he jumped out of Amy's room and sprinted out.

"Thank you Sonic." Amy smiled .

"Finally!! It took so long!!" Yelled Tails from his room.

Tails was watching one of Robotnic's cameras.

"Sage, regarding your new design, I'll be referring to the old model, 002. Would you like any changes?" Robotnic asked his screen.

"I would like one thing only, consider declining if it is an inconvenience to my model." Sage's voice roared out of the monitor.

"What is it daughter?" Asked Robotnic.

"Real hair. I have searched through your history of creations and I have seen only one success in doing that. The folder 001: Miles." Sage said.

"What !? I need to check this out!" Tails entered the eggnet and went to the first ever folder and copied it into his moniter. He also copied Sages model 002.

He enterd the folder to find many documents and videos. He started browsing them, slowly realizing.

The shock clear on his face as he stared at the screen. Robotnic has a video document of him creating Tails.

"Now to the memory. I have two modes for this guy! First, the obedience mode, very simple coding, but the second mode is where it gets tricky." He heard a young Robotnic voice speak as a video of him was recorded.

"Now just flip the switch, now we have the backstory I created. He now thinks he's an orphan called Miles from the far islands !" He continued.

Tails couldn't believe it.

"I know that's supposed to be realistic but where the hell am I gonna find blood! I'll just ditch the idea... Next time I'ma work with a human shaped model called sage..."

Tails wasn't listening anymore. He was too shocked to process all that.

"This has to be a trick! I need something sharp. If I bleed, it's just a coincidence!!" Panicked Tails as he shuffeled around his tools.

He found a sharp cutter in a drawer.

"Please just be a messes up coincidence!" Pleaded Tails holding his hand out.

With the cutter, he sliced his wrist open ... Nothing.

"Ow ! ... No! No no no no no no no no no!! This has to be wrong !" He stared at his hand waiting for something to come out.

He cut himself again. On his shoulder, on his knee, on his face.

"This can't be!" He yelled.

He touched his back as a panel opened. He felt uncomfortable, he touched a button on his back trying to close it.

"What is happening!!?!" He yelled as blue lines started glowing on his body.

He started panicking. He started seeing them on his eyes. He looked into a mirror beside him to see that his fur transformed into cold metal. His eyes gave a cyan glow.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now