The secret

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Tails tried to turn it off. He frantically pressed his back to try to get back to normal.

"Hey Tails! You still hacking?" Sonic's voice scared Tails from behind the door.

"Just a minute !" Yelled Tails as he grabbed a blanket to cover himself.

Sonic opened the door. Tails was able to turn it off before closing the panel on his back , and turned off the computer .

"SONIC!" He yelled.

"Calm down buddy! I got you a peppermint drink. I know you like these." Said Sonic biting into a chili dog.

"Thank you." Tails sighed looking at his fur. He got back to normal.

"You still didn't eat breakfast?! It's 2 p.m. !... Your room is freezing! " Said Sonic putting the drink beside the dry waffles.

He warmed the A.C.

"Gee kid ! You're so cold. You'll get sick if you keep it up. Come on. I'm waiting you outside!" Said Sonic after putting his hand over Tails forhead.

Tails sighed as Sonic walked out.

"The cuts ! They're... Gone! Guess I gotta go then." He thought getting up from his chair.

He grabbed his food and headed out.

"Sit down buddy." Sonic tapped on the chair beside him.

Tails felt uncomfortable hearing all the machine whirs inside of him. What he thought was heartbeats or blood circulation.

"What are these sounds then?" Thought Tails.

A million questions raced through his mind as be made his way to Sonic.

"You don't have to overwork yourself like that!" yelled Sonic

"I know. It's just that eggman's security never challenged me like that. If I can't do it, who would ?" He explained.

"You don't have to. We'll fight him the old way. Who needs to know his plans anyway. He'll say it out loud later." Said Sonic.

"Just give me some time." Said Tails determined.

"You don't have to prove us anything Tails! We know you are smart. It's okay to leave behind a challenge or two." He smiled softly.

"I need to prove it to myself. If I'll proceed by my own , I need to know I am ready from all angles. I might not be the strongest but I need to use my smarts to problem solve, and-"

"Okay , Okay buddy. Do what you like. Just don't hurt yourself." Interrupted Sonic.

"Thanks... " Tails zoned out.

"You okay? Wanna talk about something. You don't seem okay." Sonic squinted worried.

"No . I'm fine. I gotta head back." Tails got up.

Tails flew back to his room. He was unable to eat, he was so weirded out by everything.

"How did eggman build me? How am I able to eat, grow fur , grow taller. Were mom and dad and their death just a made up story? Is my life all a lie?" Tails wondered.

He started binging all the videos and documents Robotnic had in folder 001. There were hundreds, it was going to take some time.

"Let me check what eggman is up to before starting." Though Tails as he entered the camera.

He was starting on Sage, and updating the folder 002.

Tails copied the new info to his monitor.

He started reading and watching in order. Trying to learn more about himself. 

He was slowly loosing his sanity , feeling everything he believed starting to shatter.

Yet he was learning more about his true potential, and his older purpose.

"After concering the hedgehog, I couldn't turn back. I wish I could tho. He is an opponent unexpected to be this powerful. He hurt my pride, and I'll let this little guy take it back." Robotnic monologued as he was building the endoskeleton.

"I was built to defeat SONIC ?! How did I end up on his side? And why can't I remember that? I am missing something for sure." Thought Tails. 

"Coding comlex feelings would take years, I'll put him to learning mode and run a few simulations. I'll store the results at the obedience mode. That might make him more loyal to me." Eggman continued.

... Night fell as Tails was still on his computer. It felt dreadful , yet he couldn't escape it. He was feeling more and more awkward about himself.

"How will I tell the others !? Do I have to ? I have already been hiding the fact that I wasn't done hacking from the others." Thought Tails.

"I'll keep it a secret." He decided.

Eggman updated Sage's folder. It had way less files . He read the documents.

"002: Sage. Report no. 17

Status : cancelled.

After what happened to 001, I couldn't bring 002 into this world. Not yet. I need to make sure I got rid of the hedgehog and his friends before trying to make a family. As much as I feel passionate about this project, I don't think 002 is for battle anymore. I changed so much in her blueprints that it switched to my personal desire of having a daughter. She'll have to wait. I will stick with making simpler models to rid myself that hedgehog. "
Tails read.

"Wow, eggman really likes sage. He isn't all that bad after all." Thought Tails.

"02.5 Sage report no. 32

Status: continued.

The artificial intelligence is made. I could not make her wait any longer. She can assist me, she proved before that she's capable of being efficient while still holding a normal human mindset. Almost normal. With time she'll regulate. " Tails read the last one.

He visited the blueprint to find a very deadly robot behind sage's kid like form.

"I need to stop watching and reading, it's almost midnight." Tails looked at the time.

"I'll try what I learned first." He got up.

He took a deep breath and twinged his left ear in a specific order. He transformed back into his metal form.

"Wait. Are my boots rocket boots or are these my feet ?" Asked Tails looking at his feet.

He tried many things before accidentally crashing into the ceiling.

"Guess I'll need some time to control the jets." Said Tails rubbing the back of his head.

"What was that ?! You still awake Tails ?!" Yelled Sonic.

"No ! I mean Yes . I mean i uh." Tails panicked.

He twinged his ear again turning back to normal.

"Tails , don't tell me you were hacking all along. Don't you get tired ? You didn't eat, you woke up too early, you are up late , your room is messy! What's wrong with you? You aren't like that." Yelled Sonic worried.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now