Search party

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"You're staggering." Knuckles noticed.

"I'm fine! My ego has been damaged way too much for one day. I'll walk on my own." Said Sonic.

"It's some dead weather." Mentioned Rouge.

"Did Shadow tell you that?" Asked Sonic.

"Yes, it's cold, dark and dry. Just like a dead body." She explained.

"She has a point." Agreed knuckles.

"Not you too !" Sonic yelled.

"It's getting late. I'll go back home with cream. Tell us if you found anything!" Said Vanilla.

Most of the others went home. Knuckles, Sonic, Amy and Rouge were the only ones left.

Tails was trying to learn how to control the laser. It was hard to aim without messing up.

"You seem to have trouble with it. Let me show you how I use my weapons with accuracy." Sage contributed.

"Thanks ! You are learning a new emotion. One of the most important, sympathy!" Said Tails.

"Define sympathy please." Asked Sage.

After a while of mixed training and learning, they both ran low on power.

"Guess I haven't slept in a while." Mentioned Tails.

"You are tired but you aren't able to sleep , what's wrong?" She asked.

"I could have had more fun with the egghead"
"I'm a monster!!"
"How far can I go?" 3 responses glitched through Tails.

"It seems like your memory chip is damaged. You shouldn't have more than one personality."

"I am also noticing that the first response is the more aggressive one. I think it's trying to take over."

"Oh no!" Tails groaned worried.

Silence filled the cave.

"Why should I trust you?" Asked Sage.

" A new emotion. Doubt ! "

"Don't avoid my question Tails. How do I know you are not gaslighting me too?" She asked.

"... I don't even know what is real and what is fake anymore. I don't want anyone to experience that." Tails replied somber.

"Then what did you do back at the lab?"

"I only stopped the transfer and entered the command site. After I was done I returned your memory to what was actually real. There were some edited parts on eggman's hand." He explained.

"I still feel like I did the wrong thing not helping him." She looked away with guilt.

"I'm sorry"
"He deserved it!"

He silently opened the fox electric and showed her the part where robotnic admitted he would change bits of memories.

He continued watching the clips. It was getting more serious. There were clips of eggman editing his design while he was fully conscious and with pain senors on.

He started hearing footsteps on a far scale. He zoomed in, finding the gang in the woods, he started spying on them from afar, trying to figure out what they are up to.

Back with Sonic, it was getting dark and very hard to see.

"I can't find my flashlight!" Amy shuffled through her pockets.

"Where's Tails when we need him?" Sonic was looking somber, and even more worried.

Knuckles stumbled upon something.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now