The Fight

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"We're almost there. I hope he's not there yet." Sonic ran across the water to the islands.

"I guess we have to teleport there using the emeralds. Let's hope he's not watching." Shadow suggested.

They each grabbed an emerald and teleported onto the island.

"Where the HECK did you come from!!" Yelled Knuckles stunned.

"Listen. Be on guard and don't let the master emerald out of your sight. 001 is on the island and we gotta go!" Sonic spat quickly before all the others bolted behind him.

They found 001 with the clear chaos emerald in hand.

They all went on guard and took out their weapons.

"Looks like it's the final showdown!" 001 settled on a form that looks a bit like infinite.

Sonic couldn't help but feel afraid.  The chill up his spine made his quills sit straight.

"I won't let you down Tails." He sighed.

001 aimed at Shadow. "My victim of honor will be the one who messed with Sage. You won't get away with it Shadow!"

Sticks launched her boomerang at 001, he got out of the way, shot his beam as Shadow dodged.

Sonic rolled  and launched into the air. Amy took her hammer, slamming Sonic into 001 with great force.

Shadow kicked him from the back before sticks' boomerang came back crashing into his back.

"Well, that was something... Enough playing around!" 001 wiped the dripping oil out of his eye socket.

He took the emerald out.

Shadow without thinking yelled "CHAOS CONTROL!!" slowing down time.

He snatched the 2 emeralds from 001 as time got back to its original speed.

"Sonic!!" Shadow called as he threw him the emeralds.

Amy charged at 001, boosting sticks up as well.

Shadow teleported to 001's back help them as well.

001 moved out of the way, grabbing Shadow's leg, throwing him at sticks, grabbed Amy's hammer and threw it away with her dangling from it.

Sonic took the rest of the chaos emeralds from them then, it started.

"NO!!" Yelled 001

The 7 chaos emerald twirled around Sonic as he floated upwards.

As he took his super form, he felt a sharp pain in his left eye and on the side of head. The immense power of the emeralds was leaking out of the injury, causing Sonic to scream out in immense pain.

"I should have listened to Silver!" He dreaded as the pain became too strong he couldn't lift his head.

"How pathetic! I'll keep you to suffer!!" 001 was cackling out of control.

"Sonic!!" Shadow called, sprinting towards him.

001 Shot his beam towards Shadow, instantly vaporizing his head.

"SHADOW!! " Sonic witness his headless body fall to the floor.

He lifted his head, it still felt like it was going to explode.

He tried to fly towards 001, but he instantly kicked him back to the ground.

Sticks launched at him from the back. 001 turned around and grabbed her by her head, crushing her scull.

Amy roared with fear and anger, willing to destroy this monster. She took her power enhancer and stuck it to her hammer.

"YOU. WILL NOT TAKE. MY. DREAM. FROM. ME!!" With every word, she swung her hammer closer and closer to 001.

Sage appeared a bit too late.

001 shot her hammer breaking it, shooting her through the chest.

Sonic, after so much pained screaming, he passed out. His head bleeded too much.

001 heard a cackle on a nearby bush. He didn't care much of it.

Taking the chaos emeralds from Sonic, he spotted Sage.

"Sage?" He got back to his senses.
"Where have you been? Why didn't you KILL ME?!"

A cold look on her face, she shot a small device at him, electricuting him.

He froze to the ground, dropping the emeralds.

He heard a familiar throaty laugh from behind her.

Eggman, in his eggmobile, landed besides Sage, who handed him the chaos emeralds.

"It was only a matter of time that the girl would come back to her dear father!!" Robotnic stroked her hair.

"I am afraid our bond shall not last brother. Though, you will not be forgotten." Sage said.

001 blacked out.

He woke up to fing himself in a glass tube, deep in Robotnic's lair.

He tried to break the glass but it was too sturdy.

"Awake at last! It was a big mistake that I had thrown you. As much as I want to destroy you, I have better plans for you!" Eggman gave a menacing grin as he made a machine rip his arm off.

"That's what you get for burning my hand." He put his hands behind his back as he turned around and walked away.

Sage stared at him through the glass.

"Was all that we've been through just a lie?" 001 asked.

"No. It was merely an experience. Rebellion isn't my thing. Corrupt... Things; should stay where they belong. Away. " She looked at him disgusted before she walked away.

Back at the bushes, Silver was watching it all happen again. He went back in time.

"Please be the right time!!" He got out of the portal to find himself in the future.

"Why can't I connect with the time?!" He yelled frustrated.

"Silver! You're back! Can we PLEASE continue the mission?" Blaze asked.

"No! Sonic is in danger! I mean he died at this point. I didn't help! I need to save them first! Maybe his death is the cause of our mission in the first place!" Silver yelled.

"... Fine. I'll search on my own for now. Good luck." Blaze patted his shoulder as he jumped back into his portal.

He found himself back at the Ark, watching Shadow and Maria having a conversation.

"50 years early!!" He jumped back in.

"I have tried so many times! I can't get to an appropriate time to tell him!" Silver complained.

He got back to blaze after more than 100 attemps of trying.

"Something is tampering with time. And it's not me. I don't want to get stuck in a loop again!" Silver dreaded.

"Listen! Calm down, and focus. Take a deep breath and think about a good time to tell him. Imagine it first then try to open the portal okay?" Blaze suggested.

"Okay..." He sighed.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Here we go."

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now