The Accident

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"I'm fine Sonic ! Don't enter my room like that. You scared me!" Yelled Tails.

"Go to bed !" Sonic yelled.

"What do you think I am doing?" Said Tails as he grabbed his blanket.

"Trying to trick me so you would continue." Suggested Sonic.

"No!" Yelled tails as he tucked himself into bed.

Sonic left the room with no further comments.

"Hey Sonic." Called Amy. Her house was too far and chose to spend the week at the base.

"Yes Amy?" Sonic answered annoyed.

"I think you are being too worried about Tails. Let him do his thing. You are acting like a... Strict parent to him." Said Amy.

"No I'm not." He crossed his arms.

"You literally told him to go to bed." Amy protested, putting her hands on her hips.

"He is acting very odd lately. He never leaves his room messy, he usually eats well and I just don't want him to stay on his screen all day. You know how into his work he could get." Explained Sonic.

"Change is a part of growth. Maybe he is just a bit worried about leaving, you know." Said Amy.

"Yeah. Maybe." Admitted Sonic.

"Well, I think you should go to sleep too. It's been a wild ride yesterday, one night of sleep won't catch you up with all that you missed." Said Amy softly pushing him to his room.

"You're right. Goodnight Amy." Sonic yawned.

"Goodnight!" She said dearly.

"I can't sleep. I can't take it. So many questions. How am I that sentient anyway?! Am I always on learning mode?" Questions kept Tails up all night.

He chose to get up and continue watching the videos. He fell asleep on his desk before sunrise.

"Where's everyone?" Asked Tails rubbing his eyes as he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

He learned that ,like living organisms, food actually powers him up.

"Tails? I thought you wake up early?" Said Sticks as she grabbed a banana.

"Hey sticks.... What time is it?" He asked.

"10:37... Oh ! And Sonic told me to tell you that he was right. About what? I don't know." She shrugged.

"Oh no! He figured out I was continuing." Tails slammed his face.

Tails got back to the computer.

"Now for the fun part. The weapons. The hand plate will slide back revealing a 3000 megawatt lazer gun." Robotnic showed the camera the weapon.

"I can do that?!" Tails exclaimed.

He got up and tried it. It started shooting lazers everywhere.

"I can't control it !!" Tails tried to shut it down.

He was able to stop it after a hard time.

"My room is such a mess. No wonder they're worried." Tails looked around.

Suddenly, Eggman updated the file 2.5 . Tails went to check it out.

"2.5 Sage. report no. 33

Status: complete.

I finally finished Sage's design. Her memory is still teleporting to hardware. I'll use the same method as 001 to change and remove a few things. "

"He can edit the memory..... Did he gaslighting me ?" Thought Tails.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now