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"What did they say?" Asked Sage.

Tails was looking horrified.

"They found Shadow blind, and Big unconscious, they are even more determined to kill me!" Tails panicked.

"Calm down. We will figure something out." Sage spattered.

"Okay. I committed crime, my friends are after me , they wanna kill me ! What should I do?" Tails revised his situation.
"Kill them!"
"No!!" He yelled to himself.

"Are you okay?" Asked Sage.

"No! Not in any way possible! I just don't want to hurt anyone else. I just want to live like I used to!" Wept Tails.

Sage felt sad for him. She came closer and gave him a hug.

"Huh?" Tails was confused, she is acting with intense emotion.

He felt proud that he is teaching her how to be more human, yet unable to feel like a person himself.

"Sage. Can I ask a favor?" Tails asked.

"Go ahead!"

"If I ever get close to killing my friends, I want you to... Destroy me..." He ordered.

"But- ... Fine." She agreed.

"She's starting to have an emotional connection! She really considers me a brother." He thought.

"It's pretty late! We should stay for the night." Suggested Amy.

"Are you kidding? Tails is still out there while a murder machine is on the loose ! We HAVE to find him!" Sonic insisted.

"We won't be able to find anything if we are dead ! It has an advantage over us at night." Protested knuckles.

"It has an advantage over tails too! Don't you care about him?" Sonic said desperately.


Sonic gasped with horror of the idea.

"You crossed the line knuckles!" Shadow intervened.

"I didn't mean it that way, but Tails always knows when something like that is going on- we found no clue about him since all this started. Don't you think that we are too late?" Knuckles dreaded.

"Wow ! The drama! Well! I'll go fix Metal."eggman was watching them while eating popcorn from the side.

"We don't need these negative thoughts, he might be on another island by now." Amy suggested.

"But what if he was right? I can't sit around and sleep while he's still out there! With very second that goes by, there's a bigger chance he could be dead!" Said Sonic.

"What should we do then Sonic? I know you are worried but there is nothing we can do about it!" Said Shadow.

"... I don't want to lose him." Sonic's throat tightened.

"No one does." Amy patted Sonic's shoulder.

"I'm going to look for him. Amy, pass me the flashlight!" He demanded.

She gave him the flashlight and stormed off.

"He isn't thinking staight. Since we got back from cyper space, he was too worried about Tails... I hope he finds him." Amy sighed.

"I'll follow him in a while." Said Shadow.

..."Emotions always overrides logic! It's facinating." Sage exclaimed.

Tails and Sage were looking for a fruit tree or something to provide them food without getting spotted.

"Why are you running away from your friends? They might forgive you if you explained." Asked Sage.

"Fear. The fear of them not forgiving me, the fear of their judgement on me. The fear of what I had become in their eyes. The fear of ... The end of my life. Fear is the strongest motive."

"But you ordered me to end you if you hurt your friends, do you take it back?"

"No, most of all I fear hurting them even more!"

"So you would do things that scare you to avoid things that scare you more.... Interesting."

"From the moment sonic saw me like this, i couldn't stop feeling this terrifying drop in my stomach when I see them . It's fear mixed with guilt. I don't know how I get to feel that! ...
I don't know what they heard from him, but I am sure they hate me now... Who wouldn't after what I did?"

"I don't." Sage answered.

"Thank you Sage."

They found some ripe fruit on a tree. They enjoyed it as much as possible, by that, I mean they even ate the peal.

"That should do for another 17 hours and 26 minutes." Tails calculated.

"I was thinking... I ran a few short simulations while we were eating... The best solution I could think of is to fake your death." Sage suggested.

Tails looked thoughtful.

"This might work. I could get a solid hologram projector to make a fake me!" Tails jumped optimistic.

"It only has around 40% chance of success tho!" Sage protested.

"It's worth a try!"

After a while, he was done with the replica.

"I just need to throw it in a place they will find..." Tails thought aloud.

"Maybe in the woods, it's where they last saw injuries." Suggested Sage.

"Good call. I'll head there. Be back in a minute."

"Wait! Don't you want me to come with?" Asked Sage worried.

"I'm the only one who could turn invisible, I want to make sure they find it."

"I'll stay at a distance." Insisted Sage.

"... Fine... I keep underestimating your emotional level."

"You don't think I care, do you?"

"It's just that it wasn't long since we met, you are learning so much so quickly!"

"You saved me from things that could have scared me for ages. I'm expressing my gratitude." She smiled.

"I'm glad you are with me Sage."

They went to the woods and placed the body. Sage backed away, while Tails stayed in a near area waiting.

Sonic stumbled around the bushes , trying to spot anything with his flickering flashlight.

"I could hear footsteps." Thought Tails as he felt a little spark of electricity making him feel nervous.

It took a while for Sonic to get near.

"I didn't damage the body !!" Remembered Tails as the footsteps came closer.

Tails quickly jumped out of the bush , flew to the replica, laser blasted it in the chest, the footsteps became closer. He quickly turned invisible as he hid in the bushed again.

"Hopefully this will lead him here without me getting spotted." Tails thought.

Sonic walked into sight range, he looked through the bushes and behind the trees ...

Then... He found it....

"Tails?" He muttered quietly with pure horror.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now