The Hunt

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"Sonic? Are you feeling alright?" Asked Amy worried.

He didn't reply. He gave her a pissed off look before she turned around with panic.

"He doesn't want to talk." Amy stated.

"Leave him be. He will take time to regulate." Shadow advised.

"Wow! Someone actually surpassed the edge Lord" mocked knuckles.

"Not the time for it!" Amy grabbed knuckles by his ... Hair? Is it even hair!?

Suddenly, a gust of wind wooshed by them as Sonic sprinted past them.

"Sonic WAIT!" Yelled Amy.

"This is the worst thing I have ever done !!" Cried Tails.

"You have been crying all night tails! Is there something I can do? I don't like seeing you like this!" Sage asked.

"It's just- after I hurt him, he still cried so hard. It's like it never happened. It's like it wasn't me." He cried.

"What if he didn't know? That hit must have erased his memory." Sage suggested.

Tails's eyes shrunk with realization.

"No!" His voice shivered as it all made sense now.

No one knew who attacked Shadow and big because of the camouflage, eggman never spoke a word and they fell for the leaving note he scrambled before running. 

"They are hunting down 001 in revenge for ... Me." Tails grit his teeth with even more regret.

"Tails! We have to do something! We both have seen hoe strong Sonic can be. We have to protect you from him!" Sage exclaimed.

"I don't even want to live!"
"I need to kill them all!"
"I want to learn more. More .MORE!"
He glitched.

"I need to find a solution for this multiple mind thing!" He suddenly shifted.

As he was watching the videos about his coding. Eggman said something very interesting .

"The learning technique is actually based on my grandfather's finding on a very ancient race called the gizoids.

They learn and mimic almost anything, they could harness the chaos emeralds powers, they also bond with people based on their strength. I of course, will show this thing my strength of brains. I might not implement that directly but it will be hidden code as plan b.

They are very curious by nature. One of my cousins used to be with grandfather at the arc to get treated from an incurable disease called nuro-immune deficit syndrome. I heard he based the thing's soul on her's...

I don't know how it led to this finding but thanks anyway grandpa."

Back with Sonic, they found him on a hill.

"There you are. What led you to just run away?" Asked Shadow.

"That's the thing I am best at." Sobbed Sonic.

"I think we have to get back to the team... I'll give you a minute if you want." Shadow changed his mind.

Just then Silver popped out of a portal. He was look frustrated and stressed.

"Silver! I thought you were on a mission through time and space!" Shadow called.

"No! This is still too late! I couldn't get to the right time! It's been day's since I started trying!" Silver panicked.

"Silver ! What's going on!" Asked Sonic.

"If I told you, I won't be able to tell you in the past. And that could change-"

"Tell me!" Insisted Sonic.

"...O-okay." He hesitated.

Silver took a deep breath.

"I have been checking on you guys from time to time during my missions. Mostly when I get homesick. I passed upon a time I couldn't find you." He panted

"I tried investigating more , I found you in a very... Bad situation. I can't spoil the future! Time space continuum is very frail with me around!" He continued

"Get to the point." Said Sonic.

"Uhh- umm- how do I say this without saying anything to damage the timeline!?" He panicked.

"All I can say is , the enemy is too strong , a lot of regret and pain including the chaos emeralds and... Don't trust eggman." Said Silver.

"You always say that last part!" Said shadow.

"I have a reason !! Please ! I tried to help but I can't say anything else. I am afraid of the consequences of telling you more !" Silver yelled.

"Calm down. You're doing alright. If the outcome didn't change you will come back and tell me more." Sonic suggested.

"Okay! I will come back if things went wrong. I am still trying to use it as sparingly as possible! So bare with me here!" Silver agreed.

"We don't hold a grudge against you ! Calm down !" Shadow tried to comfort tense Silver.

Silver hesitated before wooshing into the portal again.

"Why did you run off like that sonic ?!" Panted Amy as she caught up to them.

"I needed to think." He said.

"Did you think of something useful?" Asked knuckles following behind.

"Silver was just here to warn us about something. He was tense as hell so we gotta be careful." Said Silver.

Suddenly, Amy sat down beside Sonic and pulled out her tarot cards.

"Now ?!" Asked Knuckles.

She flipped through them then picked five.


She pulled up the first card.

"It says: hard work ! " Amy read.

She pulled the second.

"Power ! This seems promising "

She sighed with relief.

She pulled the third card.

"Defeat!" She gasped.

"Repeating?" She pulled the fourth card.

"Silver was here so understandable." Shadow spat out.

She pulled the last one after taking a deep breath.

"Truth ... ?" She read.

"Wow! Oh so helpful! Let's go." Sonic stood up.

They went on the move again.

"It feels weird seeing through this .. gadget! I don't even blink. My eyes are lasered shut!" Shadow complained.

"Yeah, if this thing blows up I'ma kill eggman!" Sonic touched the piece on the side of his head.

That accidentally activate something.

"Wow ! Wait... It had a scanner the whole time !" Yelled Sonic.

"We were going around aimlessly!" Shadow smacked his face.

"This has been taking so long. If you didn't get into trouble with that 001 guy, I'ma have to leave." Said knuckles.

"We need you!" Amy protested.

"I left the emerald unguarded for way too long." He insisted.

"We have a long way to go , you should head home." Said Sonic looking in the direction they were headed.

Knuckles flew away without second thought.

"Guess it's just the three of us." Sighed Amy.

"Let's go find the chaos emeralds." Said Sonic.

"But the warning-"

"The only way regret and pain will happen is if we didn't get the chaos emeralds. So let's hurry up and hope he isn't getting them too." Said Sonic.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now