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Shadow jumped back.

"What do you want?" He asked

"To know more" Tails replied at the same time.

Catching shadow off guard, he boosted himself behind him. Shadow turned around.

With the laser blaster, Tails shot Shadow right in the face.

It took a few blows to get big out too.

"What am I doing?!"
"Clearing the way."
"I only want revenge on Robotnic! Not everyone else! "
"They are in my path !"
"Why can't I just turn invisible again?"
"This is more fun."
"That means I can ?!"

Tails turned invisible again and flew his way to Robotnic's base.

Robotnic updated Sage's folder.

"2.5 sage. Report no. 34.

Status :Error.

The memory transfer caused an override in her hard drive, she needs some outer maintenance but she is otherwise fine. The transfer will take more time."  Read Tails as he landed in front of Robotnic's base.

"The show is on !" Tails's revenge mode was at its complete control.

He blasted the door open.

"Shadow! You beat my ass once you don't have to do it again !!" Yelled eggman.

"Hello Robotnic. Or should I say... Creator." Tails pointed his Laser beam at Robotnic.

"001! Who told you! How do you know ! Oh no..." Robotnic realized his great mistake.

"Metal ! I Know you are on maintenance but come help me !" He summoned Metal Sonic.

He came zooming from the other room. Tails was busy hacking into Sage's folder.

As Metal was about to blow, Tails teleported out of his way.

"I can copy techniques. Sick !" Tails though.

Sage got up and started obeying what Tails commanded her.

"Sage ! What are you doing? You get back here right now!" He yelled.

"You are not my commander." She said with her monotone voice.


Tails was getting ahead of Metal. Sage was holding him up with some kind of electromagnetic telekinesis.

"Suffer or die you piece of junk!" Tails charged up his beam.

Suddenly an image of real sonic flashed in his mind, his guilt coming back in one big wave .

"Sage! Finnish him." He ordered his head low.

Sage used the force she owned and ripped off Metal's head.

Tails flinched, getting the urge to cry. He shook the thought immediately.

"Cubot-" Robotnic was calling for the last two.

Tails obliterated them both before they could even respond.

"Sage! Please!  I'm your father! How can you forget me so easily?" He pleaded.

"If you were actually my father I wouldn't have forgotten." She replied cold.

Tails gave him a menacing look of satisfaction.

"What has he done to her?" He thought.

"Have mercy on me." He begged on his knees.

"How the tables have turned! Die or suffer old man." Tails shot a bright beam at him.

001 And 2.5: After Sonic Frontiers Where stories live. Discover now