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"Hyung? Are you not paying attention?"

Sunoo was resting his chin on one hand while he tapped his pencil on the table with the other, looking at Jungwon with soft eyes.

"Sorry won, I just keep getting distracted."

The younger rolled his eyes and fixed his sight back onto the paper.

"Well if you can't focus maybe I should go."

"No. I'm fine."

The older rejected immediately and then became super serious all of a sudden.

"Can I ask you something?"

Jungwon was a bit nervous about what the older had to ask. Was it going to be about yesterday's event?


The platinum haired turned his whole body to face the younger and sat crisscross with his arms in his lap.


Jungwon blinked his eyes while swallowing his saliva nervously.

"Yes Hyung..?"

"Can I kiss you..?"

Hearing that sort of question, it made Jungwon's heart race as if it was about to jump out of his chest. Same with the older. He was so nervous to ask such question but when he tried to go the whole day without thinking of Jungwon's lips, his mind just wouldn't stray away from the idea.

"W-what...? W-w-why..?"

Jungwon was a stuttering mess and couldn't think straight. Sunoo on the other hand, began to regret asking and began to panic.

"Nevermind..sorry. That was a dumb quest-"

Mustering up the courage, he leaned forward on his arms and pressed his lips against the white haired. Sunoo's eye were wide for a few seconds until he closed them and relaxed his nerves.

The kiss lasted no more than 30 seconds and the younger pulled back, looking into the olders eyes.

"Was that what you were wanting?"

He nodded his head softly while the younger smiled lightly.

"Can I kiss you again?"

Jungwon was missing the feeling of the olders lips and wanted to press his against Sunoo's once more.

Sunoo nodded his head and soon he felt Jungwon's lips right back on his.

Both of their hearts were beating fast and they felt butterflies in their stomachs.

Slowly, Jungwon began to move his lips and sucked on the olders while Sunoo began to do the same.

Being in the position they were, Jungwon began leaning forward while Sunoo began to lean back onto his forearms until his back was flat on the ground.

Jungwon hovered over top of the white haired and the two began to make out sweetly.

Both of Jungwon's arms were on the sides of Sunoo's head while Sunoo began to snake his arms around Jungwon's neck and pull him closer to deepen the kiss.

Soon, Jungwon bit his hyungs lip and Sunoo gasped a bit, allowing way for the younger's tongue to slide through.

The two began moving tongues together, turning the once sweet kiss into something hotter.

One of Sunoo's hands began making its way down to Jungwon's lower back, pulling him closer to his own body.

Jungwon's lips began to travel down the side of Sunoo's face, kissing his porcelain skin and leaving light pink marks.

His breathing became heavy as he felt the younger's lips suck on his neck slightly. It gave him butterflies as he thought about the younger and felt what he was doing.

Very in the moment, Sunoo brought his hands to Jungwon's hair and entangled his fingers in them while pulling him as close as he could as Jungwon continued sucking on the olders pale skin.

The older let out a sigh of pleasure and it made Jungwon's stomach tingle. He didn't know that he would love the sound of his Hyung like this.

"Hey Hyung! Mom wants to know what you want for dinner- EWWWE WHAT THE FUCK SUNOO!?"

The two boys immediately jumped up and saw Sunoo's younger brother Daniel, standing in the doorway with a terrified and disgusted expression.



Sunoo jumped up and ran towards his younger brother while daniel was running away.


Daniel cried out.

Jungwon was left in Sunoo's room, thinking back to everything and then turning red. The more these things happened, the more confused it left him.


Sitting at his desk, the small lamp illuminated his English language studies. Ever since Jungwon left his house, he couldn't get the younger out of his head.

The window that was right in front of his desk, displayed the night sky with the moon and stars.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he thought about how much he missed the younger's touch.

Sunoo wanted Jungwon so badly but there was one thing that was stopping him from taking the younger as his own and it was going to break them apart.

"Jungwon. If I could have you, I would take you in a heart beat."

Heaven Is You | 엔하이픈 | SunWon |Where stories live. Discover now