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Jungwon was beyond excited. The day finally came where Sunoo was back from America and he was getting ready to pounce on Sunoo like he was his prey.

"Jungwon...your bouncing, stop doing that. People are staring.." Jake sided eyed the younger.

"I can't help it! Sunoo's back. Sunoo's back. SUNOOS BACK!"

Seeing Sunoo in his view, he ran through the crowds of people and jumped onto the surprised Sunoo who dropped his luggage handle just to carry his lover.

"Hi babe."

"I missed youuuuuuu!"

"I missed you tooooooo!"

Sunoo twirled around with Jungwon in his arms while everyone around them started. Some judged while others clapped and 'woo'd' as if the two hadn't seen each other in years.

Daniel just sighed, continuing to walk away from the sight while Jake just stood with a small smile.

"Let's go love birds. You're in people's way."

Sunoo let go of the younger and they began heading towards where the other two were. Hand in hand, they held each other tightly, never wanting to let go.


All day, Jungwon had clung to Sunoo like a koala would to their mom. Just the scent of Sunoo calmed his soul and he was planning on staying like this until Sunoo had to actually leave..

"Baby, how about we go play outside? The weather seems nice and there's enough snow to build a snowman."

Honestly, Jungwon did want to. He wanted to stay inside and sleep with the boy but, he didn't get a chance to say anything because Sunoo had already gotten up and started putting warmer clothes on.

"Let's go. It'll be fun."

"Wait! Let's call the others over and we can go sledding!"

"Great idea wonnie. You're so smart."


"You're gonna eat the snow, you fool."

"Haha, not you eat it first."

Jake and Jay glared at one another while holding their sleds, ready for the race.

They had ended up going to a large hill and everyone decided to join them for the fun. Some had sleds, other had snowball scoopers, and the rest were just there to watch the drama, aka, the two Riki's.

"Ready, set....GO!"

As K shouted, the two both slid down the hill, both neck and neck with each other. They would've definitely finished at the same time but Jake had slid over a bump and went flying off his sled, landing face first in the snow.

"I told you you'd eat snow! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Jake sat there in disbelief, screaming out how unfair the whole was and for another match.

"Wanna ride with me won?"

"I'd like to just ride you-"


"I said yeah!"

"Well hurry up then!"

Jungwon sat himself behind Sunoo, wrapping his arms around the older waist as Niki pushed the two down the hill.

The two smiled and laughed while their sled went down full speed, slowing once they got to the bottom.

Heaven Is You | 엔하이픈 | SunWon |Where stories live. Discover now