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"You look like a mess."

Niki scrunched his face in disgust while he watched Jungwon approach their table. His hair was nappy, he had bags under his eyes, and his baggy clothes just seemed baggier.

"Yeah won. It's only been two days." Jake scooted over to make room for his very depressed friend as he plopped down onto the bench.

Jungwon slouched his back and sighed loudly, making the table a bit uncomfortable to be at now.

"That's two days too many without him."

"You're being dramatic.."

"Says the one who thought his boyfriends were cheating on him with each other."

With that come back, Jake pursed his lips and immediately shut up, a bit offended. "Didn't have to pop off like that but ok..."

"Sorry. I didn't mean that-"

"Nah don't lie. That hit was pretty personal." Niki laughed as Jake just glared.

"I'm sorryyyy. I'm just, not myself lately.."

"Correction, not yourself these past two days."

Jungwon just rolled his eyes and rested his head down on the table with his arms surrounding his face.

The rest of his friends looked at him, feeling a bit bad. Too bad this was bound to happen soon.


After a long day of boring classes, he threw his bag down to the ground and belly flopped onto his bed.

If two days without Sunoo was this bad, he couldn't even imagine how a whole year or more would be. He groaned at the thought. It was ruining his mood.

He decided to go on the internet and see how others coped with long distance relationships. Maybe there would be good answers.

Opening a new browser, he typed in 'how to survive long distance relationships?' and pressed enter. Clicking the first website, he began reading all sorts of comments about how others dealt with LDRs.

Xx_bunnygirl: Make sure you communicate LOTS! It's really important because that's the only contact you guys really have. Send messages, pictures, call, whatever it is. Communication is KEY!

Rxsèthxrn: 1. Commitment 2. Trust 3. Be honest 4.communicate often 5. Talk through your problems 6. Make a plan to see each other in person!

CYJxCSB: My boyfriend and I live on opposite sides of the world so flights are expensive and time zones are complicated BUT we make time to call and, this may be weird to some but, to calm our sexual desires, we have phone sex. It's not as good as the real thing but it works and it makes us feel closer in that moment. Anyways, Goodluck!

"Phone sex, huh?"

Searching up the time where Sunoo was, it was currently 8 am over there. He decided to call the older to say good morning and possibly pitch the idea.

After a few rings, the call connected and Sunoo's morning voice echoed through Jungwon's ear.

"Hi baby boy...."

"Good morning sunny"

Sunoo chuckled lowly. "Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to ask if you would want to try something out...."

Jungwon was nervous. It was definitely a crazy idea but then again, he also came up with the friends with benefits idea so what could be worse than that?

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